This is a past event.

Konrad Lee's 'MadHouse Eclective'

Ladies and gentlemen, on July 20th at Batch Brewing Co. in Corktown, Detroit, from 8:30pm to 11pm, Konrad Lee’s ‘MadHouse Eclective’ will launch another assault on your heads, chests and bellies as Lushes LaMoan, Christopher (The Big Icky) Bogucki, Sweet Hallelujah, Rosemarie Wilson (One Single Rose®️/Pearl) and Konrad Lee, lounge singer extraordinaire sink their ‘Eclective’ teeth into your world’s and make room for FUN!! With Music, Burlesque, Side-Show and the Macabre, Magic and Poetry your world will be unlocked to the infinite amount of wild zaniness these five Detroit favorites can dish out!!