photo and design by Irish Jurvis

This is a past event.

Honeybabe, Remnose, and Jackamo

Since 2013, self-described “pysch-rock-jazz-beach-punk” outfit Honeybabe has maintained a sound that can only be described as what happens when you listen to a record backward and are then instructed to do the devil’s bidding (but, you know, like picking up dry-cleaning). This year found the five-piece supporting In Living Memory, the band’s sophomore record and its first about the complexities of the grieving process — tackled through explorative, tightly woven compositions. Joining the bill is Remnose, which makes hazy, “up north” sounding tunes. Earlier this year, Remnose released Waiting on the Wind, which crossed Grizzly Bear with some vocal affectations reminiscent of Neutral Milk Hotel or Elvis Perkins for 13 tracks suited for starting a new life in a sleepy vacation town after your Nissan Altima breaks down. Detroit folk trio Jackamo will also perform.