Another solid event put together by the Seraphine Collective, this night brings together two local acts and two from the Pacific Northwest. Ann Arbor’s Stef Chura shreds desolate downer vibes perfectly. Rebel Kind, also from Ann Arbor/Ypsi, remains one of the best indie-garage bands in the land. Weed, from Vancouver, British Columbia, is on a heavy and grungy shoegaze kick that’s sure to be fun live. And Broken Water, from Olympia, Wash., have a great sense of dynamics. On their new record Seaside & Sedmikrasky, which spreads two songs over two sides of an LP, they mix jagged and brooding sounds with honey-coated vocals. Broken Water is an example of why you have revivals — so that some young kids can add something genuinely new and vital to an older sound (in this case, loosely speaking, it’s shoegaze). Man, this is going to be a great show.