Now in its 10th year, proceeds from the the Backpack Music Festival will assist Michigan children in need of school supplies, and to help ensure that no child is without the basics to succeed. Hard to argue with that, no? In their materials, the Backpackers boast that their fest offer up “the city’s premier electronic, house, techno, jazz, and blues DJs and live musicians as well as children entertainment,” and that looks to be a fair assessment. In addition to great local talent like Terrence Parker, Todd Perrine, the Mumford High School Marching Band and Choir, Drivetrain, the Inside Out Literary Poets, and Nick Speed, you’ve got the Brazilian DJ Mustafa and New Yorker Big Rob Martinez Jr. this truly is a full day’s entertainment geared for all ages, with a separate “interactive activities corner” aimed to happily occupy the younger set. There’s also a free breakfast for kids, DJ lessons, singing lessons, an instrument petting zoo, and more.