Staff Directory

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Editor in Chief - Lee DeVito, [email protected]

Investigative Reporter - Steve Neavling, [email protected]


Associate Publisher - Jim Cohen, [email protected]

Regional Sales Director - Danielle Smith-Elliott, [email protected]

Sales Administration - Kathy Johnson, [email protected]

Account Manager, Classifieds - Josh Cohen


Business Support Specialist - Josh Cohen

Creative Services

Creative Director - Haimanti Germain

Art Director - Evan Sult

Graphic Designer - Aspen Smit

Big Lou Holdings

Digital Operations Coordinator - Elizabeth Knapp

Chief Financial Officer - Guillermo Rodriguez

Chief Executive Officer - Chris Keating

National Advertising

Voice Media Group


Detroit Metro Times

Address - P.O. Box 20734, Ferndale, MI, 48220

Editorial - 313-202-8011

Advertising - 313-961-4060

Circulation - 313-961-4060

Fax - 313-964-4849

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