Horoscopes (March 21-27)

Mar 21, 2018 at 1:00 am
Image: Horoscopes (March 21-27)
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Audio By Carbonatix

ARIES: March 21 – April 20

The rate of change is accelerating. If you think it's all going to stay the same, guess again. If you're in touch with things, the next few weeks are bound to open your eyes wide enough to see that whatever this looks like, it's a good thing. 86 your resistance to changing the scenery, and release any fears that you might have about the consequences. If you're the least bit hesitant, or too stuck to get off the pot, you will miss the point, and blow the chance of a lifetime. Ten years from now you will look back on this and smile, knowing that it was the point where you were born again.

TAURUS: April 21 – May 20

You have managed to work your way to the top in a situation that most people would not even be able to find themselves in. Now that you're here the view is even more incredible than you imagined. For the time being you will be happy enough to bask in the light of whatever this accomplishment has done for you.Within two months there will be a whole other kettle of fish to fry and you will wonder how the unpredictable nature of things keeps challenging your sense of order. Be prepared for a few tremors to rock your world and send you off in a new direction.

GEMINI: May 21 – June 20

The tables are turning if they haven't already and a whole new story is emerging out of things that you thought would never get settled. If you are relieved, these new dynamics have altered some of your plans. Not being free to go forward until a few other issues get straightened out is where it's at. Within the normal framework of expectations and responsibilities, you are restless and wondering if your next move will multiply your options or turn out to be a one-way ticket to boring. Remain patient. Give life a chance to be miraculous.

CANCER: June 21 – July 20

It might be time to haul back and reconsider your plans, just one more time. As much as whatever you're up to seemed like the most sensible thing, there's a lot that you can't see and too much stands in the way. I'm not telling you what to do, but you've gotten stuck on the idea that there's only one solution, when in fact the realm of possibilities is infinite. Those who care are doing their best to introduce you to another way to see this. My best advice would be to look around before you stubbornly insist on a course of action that could be the last thing you need.

LEO: July 21 – Aug. 20

You may need to get off of your cloud long enough to get real about what's going on. The spiritual 'fix', and/or the over idealization of things is often nothing more than a denial mechanism. There's a gap between what you have chosen to live with, and what you came here for. To try to preserve things that either won't change, or are in dire need of a transformation, isn't serving your purpose. At this point you seem to be waiting for people and situations to turn into a completely different animal. Think about that for two minutes and consider the virtues of moving on.

VIRGO: Aug. 21 – Sept. 20

You have enough to keep you busy for a while. It would be great if you could loosen up enough to make it fun. Too much internal pressure, too much responsibility, and a dose of guilt that piles the weight of the past onto what is heavy enough isn't working for you. The last thing you need is to have life shut off the light that makes you shine. If this has to do with the burden of expectation, you are in no mood to be controlled by anything. Anyone who tries to tell you what to do needs to know that they will get more of whatever they want from you if they let you be.

LIBRA: Sept. 21 – Oct. 20

This is a defining moment. You have just begun to see the forest for the trees. As the need to get to the bottom of things overrides all of your excuses, you have realized that the whole ball of wax is in dire need of an overhaul. At first glance, you figured you could change the scenery or buy yourself off, but now that you've been ruminating on this for a while it's clear that nothing will change until you open the Pandora's box that contains what's left of the past. Never fear. All of us reach the point where the sidewalk ends. The next few months will make or break you.

SCORPIO: Oct. 21 – Nov. 20

Be wary of people who show up on your doorstep with a big smile and something that looks like an offer you can't refuse. The temptation to say 'Yes' to things will be easily fed by promises that they are unable to keep. You've been down this road 100 times. Some things are fated, but in the moment when it's time to decide to go this way or that, your free will calls the shots. Be mindful of the tendency to give people more credit than they deserve, and remember: Life is a school, this is a test, but it's one that you've already taken, and this time the answer is: "Just say 'No.'"

SAGITTARIUS: Nov. 21 – Dec. 20

You are in for a big surprise. What happens next is subject to other people's choices and their actions. How things go will depend on the extent to which you are open and loving enough to understand where they're coming from. Up until now you've had it all under control. At this point it comes down to letting go of the need to keep things the way they have always been. In many ways you are clear that anything's better than this. At the point where what you've done everything in your power to preserve has to answer to the truth, who knows what is meant to be?

CAPRICORN: Dec. 21 - Jan. 20

What do you do now? If you're feeling stuck and you don't know how to handle this, remind yourself that whatever's going on is giving you more than one reason to open your life, your mind, and your heart. To be too fearful, or too set in your ways to tune in to what's next would be a mistake. Thinking that what you thought you "ought to do" will work in a situation that is both unique and begging you to connect with your own truth is insane. Under oodles of pressure to fit the mold, open your eyes — what works for everyone else could be the last thing you need.

AQUARIUS: Jan. 21 – Feb. 20

Stretching your limits is the key to so much of what's going on with you right now. You have become a slave to expectation. In other words: your beliefs about what's possible and your ideas about "the way things are supposed to be" need to be reframed in light of experiences that defy analysis. Nothing is what we think it is and there is no set prescription for getting through anything. You may think this needs to go a certain way, but if you leave things alone and step out of the way you just might tune into a miracle, and learn more about life in the process.

PISCES: Feb. 21 – March 20

Ready or not, it's time to wake up and smell the coffee! Little did you know that whoever's in charge breaks down the set and changes the scenery in regularly timed cycles. This coincides with the fact that your mind has been blown by others who are out in front and turning you on to things that never occurred to you before. I see you questioning everything and pressing needs to make decisions that bear no resemblance to your best laid plans. Don't let this worry you. If anything, you are open and flexible enough to embrace what looks like the latest clue to the new direction.