ARIES | March 21 – April 20: You could be missing the point. Your perspective on things is heavily colored by what you refuse to see, or by what you have yet to see about yourself. It could be your rose-colored glasses. It could also come down to hard-core beliefs about life that have nothing to do with your direct experience. In some cases, the fact that you are convinced that you're right prevents you from seeing that you're wrong about more than a few things. It's time to get real enough to come to terms with yourself and let go of anything and everything that has kept you from moving on.
TAURUS | April 21 – May 20: You've been around the barn enough to have a few things figured out. Your experience has taught you a lot about life. The one thing that stands out above everything else is the need to go deeper into your spiritual work. I say this because once you've been there and done that enough times, it's the inner being that has to come to light. I see huge amounts of potential in the area of healing, with even more options showing up in the realm of music and art. All of this got seeded a couple of years ago. Keep it watered. This foundation is laying the groundwork for the rest of your life.
GEMINI | May 21 – June 20: You're in an interesting spot. Everything you'll ever need is right there in front of you. If you wanted to, you could stay here forever and never have to worry about a thing. This is what they call "The Toad in the Well" syndrome. As you bask in the safety and security of your little habitat, your higher self is beckoning you to hop up that well casing and find out if there just might be more to life than this. My hunch is that there is, and the new frontiers that await you are ready to catapult you out of your comfort zone and open the space for your real purpose to unfold.
CANCER | June 21 – July 20: You're doing a good job being OK with the fact that lots of things are up in the air. A dose of certainty would come in handy right now. In some cases, this is about needing others to step up and pull their weight. For others, the issue has to do with having a Plan B in order just in case the rug gets pulled out from underneath everything. As you contemplate the way your life is going, keep your thoughts geared toward the best possible outcome, and don't let yourself be distracted by people and things that waste your time or by escape mechanisms that do nothing but drag you down.
LEO | July 21 – August 20: You've had your share of blood on the tracks. The trials of the last four or five years have put you through the ringer. The upshot of it all has turned you into a wiser, more compassionate human being. The tendency to keep dredging up the past is understandable; if you have to keep delving into it, no problem. There comes a point when we have to figure out how to stand on the shoulders of our trials and make the best use of whatever we were supposed to learn from them. Old wounds have healed. It's time to graduate, and use that pain to heal and enlighten others.
VIRGO | August 21 – Sept. 20: It does no good to push the river. As the next few weeks unfold, many adjustments will be made, so sit back and figure out how to wait on the will of heaven. Along with the need for patience, there are even bigger needs to look at what's going on in your relationships. To expect too much from others will get you into trouble. Keep in mind that it's you who needs to be meeting your own needs, not the other person. Figure out how to be whole and complete within yourself before you come together. This is the key to making sure that all of your connections are joyful and fulfilling.
LIBRA | Sept. 21 – Oct. 20: You're in the midst of changing more than a few things. Part of you wants to be free and clear, but the deeper part of you is either stuck in worn-out concepts that keep you from having a life, or hog-tied to parental issues that make it hard to see the forest for the trees. When life gets like this, the best you can do is to swim through the weeds and be observant enough to see what doing the same old thing actually gets you. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Before you make it that far, there's a lot of work to be done, so roll up your sleeves and dig in; it's time to eat a little more karma.
SCORPIO | Oct. 21 – Nov. 20: In the next few months, hopefully, you will get on the ball and move in a new direction. It's not like you don't know this, but up until now your fears have been holding you back. The money piece is huge with you guys. It is your biggest block to fulfillment. You may be hip to spiritual things, but when it comes to the almighty dollar, you're stuck on the notion that your abundance comes from your job, your investments, and your 401k. As you wake up to the realization that everything comes from loving what you do, you will follow your heart and the $$ will flow in by default.
SAGITTARIUS | Nov. 21 – Dec. 20: It's totally OK to keep going back to the same old thing. All of us do this. Even when we know that it's in our best interests to give something — or someone — up, time and repetition are the only teachers here. If what this is about keeps you wondering why you're still here, understand that it will either change or you'll be ready to let it go when you've had enough. Don't give yourself a hard time for being too loving, — or too forgiving — to move on. Who knows? Whatever you're giving to the situation could transform it. Just make sure you don't lose yourself in the process.
CAPRICORN | Dec. 21 – Jan. 20: You guys are up to your eyeballs with thoughts about what it will take to work things out. If you're at your wits' end, it would be no surprise. On the one hand, you feel driven to hang in there. On the other hand, you're ready to explode. The right thing to do in situations like this will be unique to each of you. For some, towing the line is the answer. For others, the solution involves breaking the mold. Either way, something's got to give — and what you might want to look at is whether the bird in your hand pales in comparison to what's waiting for you in the bush.
AQUARIUS | Jan. 21 – Feb. 20: Other people and their issues get to be a problem when we forget who we are. As you work through the fear that anyone has a hold on you, hopefully you'll begin to see that nothing can bring you down. Fortunately, you have allies who'll back you up no matter what. In addition to that, you've done your homework, and you're pretty much bulletproof. As the next few months unfold, as long as you remain true to yourself and are clear as a bell about who you are and what you want, lesser mortals will find it impossible to use their wiles to cheat or undermine you.
PISCES | Feb. 21 – March 20: There are no instructions, and there is no path to follow in this neck of the woods. It's what they call "flying by the seat of your pants." Your inner child may be freaking out. Keep in mind that none of this would be on your plate unless you were strong enough to handle it. Between rounds, don't make the mistake of trying to be all things to all people, or waste your time trying to pretend that anything is "normal." You've spent years developing your inner being. In the moment where push comes to shove, smarten up and get real enough about who you are to beat the Devil.
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