Male enhancement pills have always been popular among guys with difficulties in the bedroom. Still, these days more and more men are turning to these extra-special supplements for enhanced outcomes both inside and outside the bedroom. After all, it’s entirely natural to want to make the most out of your time with your partner. And now you can do so in a safe, secure way with some
of the best male enhancement pills on the market.

The best male enhancement pills come in a variety of types and dosages. Depending on your individual needs and goals, one may be better suited for you than another. However, not all are created equal, so it’s always a good idea to do your homework, especially when it comes to your overall well-being.

You might be a good candidate for male enhancement pills if:

• You have trouble obtaining or maintaining healthy blood flow during intercourse.
• You’ve experienced a lack of libido with age.
• You want to increase stamina and last longer in the bedroom (for yourself or your partner).
• You would like to see an improvement in overall sperm quality and/or ejaculate volume.
• You’d like to experience the best sex of your life with out-of-this-world orgasms.

Ready to learn more about our top picks? Then pull up a seat, and let’s take a closer look at our favorites and whether they might be a good fit for you.

Our Top Picks for the Best Male Enhancement Pills Available

Many of the male enhancement pills on our list have been around for years – or even decades in some instances. Others are bringing new ingredients and technologies to the table that may or may not win you over. Whether you’re looking for a tried and true method or you’d rather see what the new players in the game have to offer, you’re in good hands.

It is important to note that each of the supplements on our list contains only ingredients that have been clinically tested and are proven to naturally improve healthy blood flow and maximize your libido.

But for now, let’s get right down to the nitty-gritty and talk about our favorites currently on the market. Afterward, we’ll discuss a little more about why we chose each option and give you a realistic idea of what you can expect once you’ve decided on the best solution for your individual needs.

Here are the best male enhancement pills to buy this year:

• VigRX Plus
• Semenax
• Prosolution Plus
• HyperGH 14X
• TestRX

#1 – VigRX Plus®

If you’ve done any research at all in your search for the best male enhancement pills, you’ve probably come across at least one or two reviews for VigRX Plus®. That’s because VigRX Plus® is a clinically-proven health supplement that’s backed by thousands of happy customers. In fact, it touts itself as the world’s leading male enhancement product currently on the market.

What are the Active Ingredients in VigRX Plus®?

VigRX Plus® consists of eight clinically-proven active ingredients. Some of these can be found in other male enhancement pills, while others are unique to VigRX Plus®.

• Damiana
• Epimedium Leaf Extract
• Asian Red Ginseng
• Saw Palmetto Berry
• Muira Pauma
• Catuaba Bark Extract
• Hawthorn Berry
• Ginkgo Biloba

In addition to the above ingredients, VigRX Plus® also contains Bioperine, which boosts the bioavailability of the overall supplement by upwards of 30%.

VigRX Plus®: Benefits

What we love the most about VigRX Plus® is that the product is a well-rounded formula that addresses multiple concerns a guy might be facing. VigRX Plus® is clinically proven to:

• Improve healthy blood flow
• Increase penile firmness
• Boost sexual satisfaction & desire

VigRX Plus® is cGMP-compliant, made in the USA, and ideally dosed for the aging male.

Is There a Downside to VigRX Plus®?

The most common concern guys have with VigRX Plus® is that it does take time to work. You’re definitely not getting an instant boner pill here. Many guys can expect results in a few weeks with gradual improvement thereafter. Generally, with health supplements like VigRX Plus® and the others on our list, it can take upwards of 4-6 weeks to see maximum outcomes.

Who is VigRX Plus® Designed for?

If you’re looking for a tried and true method for improving your overall sexual wellness, you probably can’t go wrong with VigRX Plus®. However, if you’re primary goal is to address a single concern rather than a multitude of performance issues, one of the other male enhancement pills on our list may be a better fit.

Where to Buy VigRX Plus®

When purchasing health supplements of any kind, we always recommend avoiding 3rd party sources. You might be able to save a few bucks in the long run, but you could also be getting a product that’s expired, out-dated, or even completely fake. When possible, always order VigRX Plus® directly from the manufacturer.

Because the makers of VigRX Plus® are continuously updating their formula and performing clinical studies, you can expect a slightly higher price tag. However, the good news is, you know you’re getting a product that’s both safe and effective. You’ll also be able to cut down on shipping costs and save big by purchasing in bulk. When you buy from the manufacturer, VigRX Plus® costs:

• 1/month supply = $69.00 per box
• 2/month supply = $64.50 per box
• 3/month supply = $59.67 per box
• 6/month supply = $54.83 per box
• *Best Value* 12/month supply = $49.08 per box

VigRX Plus® also offers a full money-back guarantee, so if for whatever reason you’re unsatisfied with your results, you’re not out anything except your time.

#2 – Semenax™

Semenax™ is a unique male enhancement supplement that’s made our list for several reasons. It’s been around for a long time and is backed by loads of social proof. Semenax also offers higher dosages than some of the others you’ll find here, making results faster and more noticeable.

What are the Active Ingredients in Semenax™?

Semenax™ has not one, not two, but seventeen active ingredients. Each of the all-natural herbals, vitamins, and minerals is clinically proven to improve a man’s sexual wellness. This climax-enhancing formula includes:

• Swedish Pollen Flower
• L-Arginine HCL
• L-Lysine
• Epimedium Leaf
• Zinc Oxide
• L-Carnitine
• Catuaba Bark
• Pumpkin Seed
• Maca
• Vitamin E
• Zinc Aspartate
• Pine Bark Extract
• Muira Puama
• Hawthorn Berry
• Cranberry
• While Oat Straw
• Sarsaparilla

Semenax™ is an all-natural product that has zero consumer-reported side effects. It’s both safe and effective for long-term use.

Semenax™: Benefits

This supplement has been around for a long time. Semenax™ is backed by numerous doctors, clinical studies, and plenty of happy customers. Guys that take Semenax™ report a wide range of benefits, including:

• A boost in semen production
• Better orgasm control & stamina
• Enhanced sexual satisfaction

You can generally expect initial results within just a couple of weeks and optimal outcomes in 1-2 months. The makers of Semenax™ are so confident that you’ll love their product that they give you a full 67-days to try it. If you’re not 100% satisfied, just return your empty boxes and get your money back, no questions asked.

Is There a Downside to Semenax™?

Semenax™ doesn’t offer much in the way of general health benefits like many of the others on our list do. While some men do report increased energy after taking Semenax™, this formula is purely designed to maximize sexual wellness.

Who is Semenax™ Designed for?

Semenax™ was created for guys that are looking for a supplement that will produce long-term results. Whether you’re experiencing difficulties in the bedroom or simply want to get more out of your time with your partner, Semenax™ is for you.

Where to Buy Semenax™

You might be surprised to learn how affordable Semenax™ is. You can buy Semenax™ directly from the manufacturer for less than what you’d pay for a cup of joe each day. A 1-month supply of Semenax™ costs just $59.95. When you buy multiple boxes at a time, the price only goes down from there thanks to discounted bulk rates. For example, the price drops dramatically to $33 a month when you buy a full year’s supply.

The only way to take advantage of these bulk rates, as well as the money-back guarantee, is to shop directly from the manufacturer. Buying right from the source also ensures you’re getting a product that’s both safe and effective.

#3 – ProSolution Plus™

ProSolution Plus™ is a long-term solution for a variety of male erectile issues. We think it’s one of the best male enhancement pills out there due to its clinically-proven ingredients that address almost any concern you might have. ProSolution Plus™ has tons of positive consumer reviews and has helped thousands of guys be ready to go whenever the mood strikes.

What are the Active Ingredients in ProSolution Plus™?

The all-natural ingredients found within ProSolution Plus™ work both independently and synergistically to produce maximum results for the aging male. ProSolution Plus™ is well-known for using ingredients that are fresh, pure, and potent.

• Tribulus Terrestris
• Withania Somnifera
• Asparagus Adscendens
• Mucuna Pruriens
• Asteracantha Longifolia
• Curculigo Orchioides
• Asphaltum

Not only does ProSolution Plus™ have an impressive array of ingredients, but they’re also optimally dosed for enhanced outcomes.

ProSolution Plus™: Benefits

ProSolution Plus™ is a once-daily supplement that offers some pretty substantial benefits. While results can often vary from guy to guy, you can generally expect increased blood flow allowing for;

• On-demand firmness
• Increased libido
• Better stamina & orgasm control
• Stronger orgasms

There are no consumer-reported side effects with ProSolution Plus™ making it ideal for long-term use.

Is There a Downside to ProSolution Plus™?

ProSolution Plus™ isn’t quite as affordable as some of the other supplements on our list. A 1-month supply will cost you about $69.95 if you buy month to month. However, there are a few ways to lower the price tag. If you buy multiple months at a time, you can get the price down to about $1 a day. And because ProSolution Plus™ is a long-term solution, there’s no reason not to stock up.

Who is ProSolution Plus™ Designed for?
If you’ve had moderate or even severe problems with premature ejaculation, ProSolution Plus™ could be just the solution you’ve been looking for. ProSolution Plus™ is also ideal for any guy that wants to enjoy on-demand hardness and increased sexual satisfaction.

Where to Buy ProSolution Plus™

ProSolution Plus™ can be purchased directly from the makers. This allows for optimal freshness, potency, and purity. Each box is shipped direct to your door in discreet packaging and is marked with a LOT# and expiry date.

#4 – HyperGH 14X®

HyperGH 14X® is a little different than some of the other male enhancement pills on our list. That’s because this unique formulation is designed to be the whole package. HyperGH 14X® is the perfect fit for guys who want to optimize their physical, sexual, and mental wellness. The supplement works to stimulate your body’s own HGH production, which is an essential anti-aging component both inside the bedroom and out.

What are the Active Ingredients in HyperGH 14X®?

Unlike many HGH boosters on the market, HyperGH 14X® uses zero synthetic or unnatural ingredients. In fact, many of the vitamins, minerals, and essential amino acids can be found in smaller doses in a healthy diet. HyperGH 14X® takes men’s sexual health to the next level with clinically proven dosages for each active ingredient.

So, what’s inside HyperGH 14X®?

• L-Arginine
• L-Glutamine
• L-Glycine
• L-Lysine
• L-Tyrosine
• Tribulus Terrestris
• Astragalus Root
• Deer Velvet Antler
• Colostrum
• L-Valine
• Pituitary (Anterior) Powder
• Phosphatidylcholine
• L-Ornithine
• GTF Chromium

Because HyperGH 14X® is so well-known and well-researched, you can be confident that the product is safe and effective for long-term use. After extensive research, we were unable to find any consumer-reported side effects associated with this clinically-proven male enhancement supplement.

HyperGH 14X®: Benefits

We really like HyperGH 14X® because it addresses multiple concerns an aging male might be facing. It doesn’t solely focus on sexual wellness, allowing you to see tons of benefits in your day-to-day life. Aside from increased blood flow and better overall circulation, you can expect;

• Increased metabolism
• More energy & stamina
• Improved mood
• Better orgasm-control
• Improved sexual satisfaction & desire

HyperGH 14X® has thousands of happy repeat customers that swear by the product. However, if you’re unhappy with results for whatever reason, you can simply return your empty boxes for a full refund before the 60-day trial period is up.

Is There a Downside to HyperGH 14X®?

It’s not exactly a quick fix. HyperGH 14X® naturally triggers your body to produce more of its own HGH, which can take time. Some guys might see faster outcomes than others based on how low their current HGH stores are. In general, anti-aging benefits can start to be seen in several weeks, with the greatest improvement in about 6-8 weeks.

Who is HyperGH 14X® Designed for?

Admittedly, HyperGH 14X® isn’t the ideal fit for every guy. That being said, it can be the perfect solution for many looking to boost human growth hormone levels. HyperGH 14X® does take a good deal of commitment to see positive outcomes, but if you’re willing to stick with it, we’re sure you’ll really enjoy the overall effects of this male enhancement supplement.

Where to Buy HyperGH 14X®

HyperGH 14X® can be purchased directly from the manufacturer’s website. While it can be a bit pricier than some of the other options in this guide, it’s actually very affordable, considering you’re getting a total package supplement. You won’t need any additional vitamins or male enhancers with HyperGH 14X®. Buying a 6-month supply can cut your costs down to just about $2 a day. Well worth it in our book!

#5 – TestRX™

The final supplement in our search for the best male enhancement pills is TestRX™. And for a good reason. TestRX™ is an all-natural testosterone booster that offers some pretty impressive outcomes for the right guy. This well-rounded formula is packed with clinically-proven ingredients that work to restore and maintain optimal T-levels.

What are the Active Ingredients in TestRX™?

TestRX™ is composed of 100% natural ingredients, including herbals, vitamins, and minerals that have been tried, tested, and proven to be effective. TestRX™ contains optimal dosages of;

• Fenugreek Seed Extract
• Vitamin D3
• Vitamin K2
• Vitamin B6 (as Pyridoxine HCL)
• Magnesium (as Magnesium Aspartate)
• Zinc (as Zinc Monomethionine)
• D-Aspartic Acid

TestRX™ doesn’t skimp on quality ingredients either. The manufacturers use the best of the best ingredients and the latest extraction methods.

TestRX™: Benefits

TestRX™ has much higher dosages than many other testosterone boosters on the market. You’ll definitely see more dramatic results than you would with alternative products. It’s a twice-daily formula (which may be a drawback for some) that allows for all-day results. Most men report initial results in a week or two, with gradual improvement thereafter. You can expect to;

• Shed fat & gain lean muscle
• Improve energy levels throughout the day
• Achieve increased blood flow & circulation
• Boost sex drive

TestRX™ is a safe and effective performance enhancer designed to be used long-term. Like all of our recommendations, it’s made in a cGMP-compliant factory ensuring optimal purity, potency, and freshness.

Is There a Downside to TestRX™?

There really aren’t many issues that we’ve come across with TestRX™ as far as safety or side effects are concerned. The main downside we’ve seen is that there isn’t a huge difference in cost, even if you purchase in bulk. However, it’s still pretty reasonably priced (about $60/month as of writing), so we don’t find it to be a real turnoff for TestRX™ for those looking to boost the master male hormone and improve not only sexual health performance, but fitness levels too.

Who is TestRX™ Designed for?

Almost any guy can benefit from TestRX™. Because the supplement restores optimal T-levels, you’ll be able to build and maintain the key sex hormone for the long haul. If you’ve noticed feeling exhausted throughout the day, a low libido, or performance issues in the bedroom, TestRX™ might be a good fit for you.

Where to Buy TestRX™

You can buy TestRX™ right from the manufacturer. You can save on shipping when you buy multiple boxes at a time, and shipments arrive at your door in discreet packaging. Happily, the manufacturer also offers a 100% money-back guarantee. Try it for up to 2-months. If you don’t love what it’s doing for you inside or outside the bedroom, just return your empty boxes. No questions asked.

How We Rank Male Enhancement Pills

Before we get into what makes male enhancement pills great, let’s take a quick at how these supplements work. A quality male enhancement pill will take time to build within your system. You may see some initial results within a few weeks, but in general, they’re designed to be used in a long-term context. This allows for lifelong results with very few (if any) adverse side effects.

Unfortunately, not all male enhancement supplements are created equal. Some may promise the world while boasting enticing price tags, but in reality, you’re getting an inferior quality product with synthetic ingredients or low dosages. Each of the pills on our list had to meet specific criteria to even be considered. Let’s check it out.

What Makes a Supplement the Real Deal?

Well, there are several criteria you can look for when choosing a supplement that will give you the best outcome for your individual needs. First and foremost, a quality supplement will need to check all of the below boxes.

c-GMP Compliant: A supplement that is c-GMP complaint must go through a rigorous inspection process from start to finish. (1)

Social Proof: Whether it’s proven sales, loads of positive reviews, or a personal recommendation, the supplement you choose should have some type of social proof.

Clinically-Proven Ingredients: This is just common sense. Choose a male enhancement pill that can back their product with clinical proof.

Optimally-Dosed Formula: This gets a little more complicated. Some inferior products will add lower doses of well-known ingredients that aren’t really effective. Be sure to check ideal doses for each active ingredient.

Guarantee: Having some type of guarantee shows that the manufacturer truly believes in their product.

In other words, don’t trust a supplement unless it can back its claims with cGMP certification, placebo-controlled studies, or a ton of overwhelming social proof. Doing your due diligence (like reading this article) can go a long way towards ensuring you get a quality male enhancement supplement that actually works. Unfortunately, while more so in the weight loss supplement industry or smaller niches like tinnitus, it is very important to apply real discernment when selecting the best male enhancement formula given what you need the most.

Ready to get the best male enhancement supplement for boosting men's health and sexual performance ability, click here now to get the top rated male enhancement pill today.

Male Enhancement Pills: FAQs

There’s a lot of confusion surrounding male enhancement pills and what they actually do. Today we’ll try to alleviate some of that confusion so you can make an informed decision about what’s right for you.

If you have any further questions not answered in this guide, feel free to drop us a line in the comment section below, and we’ll do our best to get an answer back to you ASAP.

Who Should Consider Male Enhancement Pills?

Male enhancement pills are best suited for men who are looking for a long-term fix to their issues. If you’ve noticed poor blood flow resulting in a lack of hardness before or during intercourse, you might be a good fit. Male enhancement supplements can also be beneficial for men suffering from low energy levels or sexual desire.

When Can I See Results from Male Enhancement Pills?

That depends on your individual concerns and problems. In most cases, you can expect to see initial results in a few weeks with gradual improvement after that. Optimal outcomes can take upwards of 1-2 months.

Are There Any Benefits for My Partner?

Yes! Your partner can enjoy on-demand pleasure whenever the mood strikes. And because you’ll have increased stamina and better orgasm-control, your partner will have more time to orgasm as well.

Do Male Enhancement Supplements Wear Off?

No. As long as you keep taking them, you’ll continue to see long-term results.

Where is the Best Place to Buy Male Enhancement Pills?

Always shop directly with the manufacturer when possible. This ensures a natural product that offers high-quality ingredients at optimized dosages.

Which Is the Best Male Enhancement Supplement for You?

That depends. Not all pills are created equal, nor are every guy’s problems solvable with the same solution. The best pill for you will depend on your unique circumstances. Let’s take a quick look at each of our favorites to steer you in the right direction.

VigRX Plus® – Ideal for guys with a wide range of sexual health concerns, including poor blood flow and/or low libido. Click here to buy for the best price online today.

Semenax™ – Best suited for men that want to improve orgasm-control and address problems associated with premature ejaculation. Click here to buy for the best price online today.

ProSolution Plus™ – Perfect for those who want to be ready to perform each and every time the mood strikes. Click here to buy for the best price online today.

HyperGH 14X® – The ultimate option for guys who want to improve overall wellness, including physical, mental, and sexual health. Click here to buy for the best price online today.

TestRX™ – Any male that’s seen a decline in testosterone levels over the years can probably benefit from this male enhancement supplement. Click here to buy for the best price online today.

Whatever you choose, remember it takes time to see an ultimate outcome from male enhancement pills. Give them time, and they’ll give you the ability to take your sexual health back into your own hands. The best part is, male enhancement supplements last a lifetime once you’ve reached optimal outcomes.

