Horoscopes (March 7-13)


ARIES: March 21 – April 20

It's now or never — at least that's what it feels like. After an endless round of challenges, it's time for the waters of the Red Sea to part and grant your wish. How this goes will vary from person to person. If you have learned your lessons, and triumphed over your suffering, all will be well. In fact, the road from here will see you moving through a rebirth. If you are still making excuses, and whining about what didn't go right, you can expect more of the same. As the next few months unfold, it will behoove all of you to remain in integrity and be willing to bow to the will of heaven.

TAURUS: April 21 – May 20

Getting real is what it comes down to. If you are the least bit deluded watch out. This means that you have to stop pretending that you're OK with things that aren't working for you. It could also mean that you've got to 86 the idea that you've got it all figured out. Problems will arise if you are too proud to bow down in the face of things that have gotten to be too much for you. Don't be too proud to admit that you are wrong if situations call for it. A good dose of humility is just what is needed to get back to square one. Ground yourself well in preparation for what is to come.

GEMINI: May 21 – June 20

To keep on going against all odds could be getting old. If it's not one thing, it's another. Even though you are a whiz at handling multiple variables, buckling under the weight of your current affairs is a theme that is challenging many of you. Those of you who keep hoping for the light at the end of the tunnel to show up and take the edge off all of this will have a harder time than those of you who have figured out how to consider the uses of adversity. A sense of humor is mandatory at times like this. Take heart knowing that something incredible will be honed from your efforts.

CANCER: June 21 – July 20

It's been an intense time. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. Intensity always shows up when we dive deeper into our lives. Heartbreak is on the menu for some of you. For others it comes down to the age-old issues that show up whenever life calls us to confront ourselves. As you attempt to snap out of it you're finding that it's impossible to go back to whoever you thought you were. Our greatest strides take place when our backs are to the wall. Keep that in mind and look for the silver lining in an experience that is actually culling the best parts of you out of what's left of the past.

LEO: July 21 – August 20

As crazy as things look, you are here for a reason. The need to keep biding your time will require a willingness to go with the flow and pay close attention to the signs. It will take a month or two for the latest clue to the new direction to lead you on to the next thing. During that interval there are bound to be opportunities that test your grip on reality. Overextending yourself, physically, emotionally, or financially will create problems. Do your best to keep your head on straight. Getting involved in fly-by-night schemes, or with fly-by-night people, are pitfalls that need to be avoided.

VIRGO: Aug. 21 – Sept. 20

What's going on right now amounts to a reality check that, with any luck, will set you off on a whole new course. It's important that you get out of your own way and pay attention to the signs. This means that what is about to transpire has nothing to do with who you think you are, or what you've always been: Your truer purpose is what matters now. If you need to quit, split, or move, go for it. To remain in any situation that has turned you into a drone amounts to a form of suicide. Your life is at stake. Waking up to the fact that you have a purpose is where it's at right now.

LIBRA: Sept. 21 – Oct. 20

You would love it if all of this would settle down. The fact that you have to keep trying to make yourself feel better about things that have totally rocked your world is making it hard to come across as the person people expect you to be. Everything happens for a reason and it looks like it's time for the deeper part of you to express itself openly. Strains in your relationships are par for the course. Don't think less of yourself for being unable to turn on your usual "Happy Face." Turning over a new leaf will require those close to you to adjust to the fact that you've woken up.

SCORPIO: Oct. 21 – Nov. 20

You're just waking up to the fact that you don't know everything. Whatever you expected your current situation to look like, it seems to bear no resemblance to what you had in mind. This could ultimately turn out to be a good thing. Why? Because your perceptions have been confined to a pinhole, and you have been in dire need of anything that will serve to broaden your horizons. The last few months have tested you. As you get used to the fact that these lessons have served a greater purpose, you will discover a new reason for living hiding behind this dark cloud of unknowing.

SAGITTARIUS: Nov. 21 – Dec. 20

You are immersed in situations that require you to remain in integrity no matter what. This will be more difficult for some of you than it will be for others. As the next few months unravel, what you have to wake up to will blow your socks off, and give you a serious run for your money. Being clear enough to remain centered during a wakeup call calls for a willingness to confront the last thing you want to see. The ability to reckon with the truth is easier for some of us than it is for others. Don't let your denial mechanisms keep you stuck playing games on the same old chessboard.

CAPRICORN: Dec. 21 - Jan. 20

If you've given yourself up to the ego's dictates you are walking on thin ice. Some of you know this and are doing everything in your power to tread lightly. This has required you to haul back and address the need to be careful about making too many waves. In no time at all, a whole new set of variables will add their weight to what is now a precarious situation. Part of this lesson is teaching you to be OK with anything. Do your best to keep a lid on your expectations and be aware that what does not work out the way you planned will not keep you from moving forward.

AQUARIUS: Jan. 21 – Feb. 20

Your tests revolve around the need to lighten up and trust the fact that your higher self has everything under control. The less you stress out about whether or not things will come through, the more likely it is that they will. Worry and fear won't do much to help bring this to fruition. As much as you are sincere in your desires, you know as well as I do that wanting anything too much pushes it away. Finding space and time to reflect upon the fact that you will be fine no matter what happens would help enormously. And as the saying goes: "Why worry, when you can pray?"

PISCES: Feb. 21 – March 20

At the point where everything is about to come together, there is always a danger that things fall apart. You have been waiting for this to hatch for at least 4 years. With everything at stake, and all of your eggs in one basket, what matters now is your ability to stay cool and carry this to fruition. Distractions of one sort or another always show up at times like this. The need to be focused challenges forces that have done everything in their power to pull you off the track. At rock bottom, your oldest fears loom over a situation that will only succeed if you rise above them.