Quicken Loans named third best company to work for if you're a millennial

Perhaps that meme of Congresswoman Maxine Waters expressing her love for millennials should be changed with Dan Gilbert's face instead? That's because Gilbert's Quicken Loans was just named by Fortune as the third best workplace for millennials.  

This news comes off the heels of Fortune's last listical, which featured Quicken Loans in their "100 Best Companies To Work For" in the spring. So even if you're not a millennial, the place is still a great place to work, apparently.

The magazine provided quotes from employees ("Quicken Bros" in the local parlance) about why their company is such a great place for millennials. Here are a few quotes:

“What we do for the city of Detroit is incredible. It’s nice to be a part of a company that has shaped this city into what it is today, especially after Detroit’s bankruptcy. I love the fact that anyone can be hired regardless of age, sex, or race. It’s nice to see a 50-year-old starting a new chapter in their life and not being discriminated against for their age."

“The best part about the team that I work with is that we’re all trusted to get the job done. Management trusts that we will go the extra mile to accomplish what needs to be accomplished and more. We’re allowed to work from home, come in late, leave early and take days off as needed."

One quote does talk about how the speaker is a mom and that she never feels judged when she has to switch her schedule around to be a home, so that was nice.

And you know, they do have ~things that millennials love~ like ping pong tables, scooters, and basketball courts for employees to fuck around with on breaks.

The magazine also notes that millennials make up 67 percent of Quicken Loans' total employees, likely another huge factor for it's high ranking.

To see the complete list of best workplaces for millennials, click here.