A case of beer is cheaper in Michigan than anywhere else in America

click to enlarge A case of beer is cheaper in Michigan than anywhere else in America

Finally, some good news for the state of Michigan. A new study released by Simple Thrifty Living reveals that Michigan sells the cheapest cases of beer in America.

The study finds the average of a 24-pack case of beer in each state. Michigan's average comes out the least expensive at $14.62, beating out California, Illinois, and North Carolina.

The study looked at 10 different Walmarts and Total Wines with different area codes from each state to find the average cost for a 24-pack of beer.

For those who love craft beer, your average cost of a case of beer will obviously be nowhere near $14.62, but a case of Bud Light or Busch Light will probably be pretty close to that number.

We're not sure about you, but this is a study that we can definitely raise a glass to. Cheers!