Michigan Science Center’s T. rex exhibit extended though May

There’s still time to see the king of the dinosaurs in Detroit

At Mi-Sci’s Tyrannosaurs – Meet the Family, you can get face-to-face with a T. rex.
Courtesy photo
At Mi-Sci’s Tyrannosaurs – Meet the Family, you can get face-to-face with a T. rex.

In case you missed it, the Michigan Science Center has extended its exhibition about the king of the dinosaurs, the mighty Tyrannosaurus rex.

Tyrannosaurs – Meet the Family will stick around through the end of May. The traveling show opened in Detroit in October and was initially set to run through mid-January.

“We thought we would have to pack up this incredibly popular traveling exhibit this month and send it on to its next museum, but fortunately, through the generous support of Ford Philanthropy, we get to keep it through May and offer it to kids, families and anyone who is a fan of these fascinating creatures,” said Dr. Christian Greer, President & CEO of the Michigan Science Center. “We’ve had a lot of exciting exhibits over the years, but I don’t know if any of them have engaged imaginations quite the way this one has. If you haven’t had a chance yet to come down [and] visit us, don’t wait another moment. Winter in Michigan is a great time to explore some indoor fun for the whole family.”

The exhibition features life-size displays, skeleton casts, and fossils. That includes one of the most complete T. rex skeletons in the world, standing 15 feet tall and dubbed “Scotty.” It was discovered in Saskatchewan, Canada.

The exhibition also includes four fossils on loan from the Carnegie Museum of Natural History.

Also this month, the Mi-Sci announced its planetarium theater was getting a $2.6 million upgrade including new inclined seats, and updated sound system, and 8K digital projection. Construction is expected to be completed by the end of the year.

Location Details

Michigan Science Center

5020 John R St., Detroit

