Can't miss show of the week: Arrington de Dionyso at Trinosophes tonight

You might know Arrington de Dionyso from his soulful-verging-on-psychotic work as front-person for the genre-fleecing acts Old Time Relijun, Malaikat dan Singa, and Ten Thousand Tigers. Or you might be aware of his searing solo work. Odds are you've heard a little bit about the musician and visual artist's run-in with neo-nazi (formerly) fringe hate groups as he bizarrely found himself embroiled in that manufactured propaganda 'Pizzagate' insanity late last year.

@arringtondedionyso ripping holes in the fabric of reality #thissaxophonekillsfascists

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Arrington is in the midst of a nationwide tour called 'This Saxophone Kills Fascists.' We sure hope that title is more than literal, and we hope to see you tonight when he performs at Trinosophes, with the always fabulous Shells opening up. Doors are at 8 p.m., and it only costs $8.

Tonight's show also includes a special screening of Arrington's acclaimed documentary REAK: Trance Music and Possession in West Java, filmed in 2015 in Cibodas, Indonesia.