Free Will Astrology (May 11-17)

Dive in, Taurus

What do the stars have in store for you this week? - James Noellert
James Noellert
What do the stars have in store for you this week?

ARIES (March 21-April 19): "Choose the least important day in your life," wrote Aries author Thornton Wilder. "It will be important enough." I recommend that you make those your words to live by in the next two weeks. Why? Because I suspect there will be no tremendously exciting experiences coming your way. The daily rhythm is likely to be routine and modest. You may even be tempted to feel a bit bored. And yet, if you dare to move your attention just below the surface of life, you will tune into subtle glories that are percolating. You will become aware of quietly wondrous developments unfolding just out of sight and behind the scenes. Be alert for them. They will provide fertile clues about the sweet victories that will be available in the months ahead.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): "Every successful person I know starts before they feel ready," declared life coach Marie Forleo. Author Ivan Turgenev wrote, "If we wait for the moment when everything, absolutely everything, is ready, we shall never begin." Here's what educator Supriya Mehra says: "There's never a perfect moment to start, and the more we see the beauty in 'starting small,' the more we empower ourselves to get started at all." I hope that in providing you with these observations, Taurus, I have convinced you to dive in now. Here's one more quote, from businesswoman Betsy Rowbottom: "There's never a perfect moment to take a big risk."

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Poet Ranata Suzuki writes, "There comes a point where you no longer care if there's a light at the end of the tunnel or not. You're just sick of the tunnel." That's good advice for you right now, Gemini. The trick that's most likely to get you out of the tunnel is to acknowledge that you are sick of the damn tunnel. Announce to the universe that you have gleaned the essential teachings the ride through the tunnel has provided you. You no longer need its character-building benefits because you have harvested them all. Please say this a thousand times sometime soon: "I am ready for the wide-open spaces."

CANCER (June 21-July 22): In the coming weeks, your imagination will receive visions of the next chapter of your life story. These images and stories might confuse you if you think they are illuminating the present moment. So please keep in mind that they are prophecies of what's ahead. They are premonitions and preparations for the interesting work you will be given during the second half of 2022. If you regard them as guiding clues from your eternal soul, they will nourish the inner transformations necessary for you to welcome your destiny when it arrives. Now study this inspirational quote from poet Rainer Maria Rilke: "The future glides into us, so as to remake itself within us, long before it occurs."

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): "Remember that you will never reach a higher standard than you yourself set," wrote author Ellen G. White. That's true! And that's why it's so crucial that you formulate the highest standards you can imagine — maybe even higher than you can imagine. Now is a favorable phase for you to reach higher and think bigger. I invite you to visualize the best version of the dream you are working on — the most excellent, beautiful, and inspiring form it could take. And then push on further to envision even more spectacular results. Dare to be greedy and outrageous. 

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Before Virgo-born Leslie Jones achieved fame as a comedian and actor, she worked day jobs at United Parcel Service and Roscoe's House of Chicken and Waffles. Her shot at major appreciation didn't arrive until the TV show Saturday Night Life hired her to be a regular cast member in 2014, when she was 47 years old. Here's how she describes the years before that: "Everybody was telling me to get a real job. Everybody was asking me, What are you doing? You're ruining your life. You're embarrassing your family." Luckily, Jones didn't heed the bad advice. "You can't listen to that," she says now. "You have to listen to yourself." Now I'm suggesting that you embrace the Leslie Jones approach, Virgo.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): "A person must dream a long time in order to act with grandeur, and dreaming is nursed in darkness." Author Jean Genet wrote that, and now I'm offering you his words as the seed of your horoscope. If you've been attuned to cosmic rhythms, you have been doing what Genet described and will continue to do it for at least another ten days. If you have not yet begun such work, please do so now. Your success during the rest of 2022 will thrive to the degree that you spend time dreaming big in the darkness now.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): "Cursed are those who feel floods but who can only express a few drops." So says an internet proverb. Luckily, this principle won't apply to you in the coming weeks. I expect you will be inundated with cascades of deep feelings, but you will also be able to articulate those feelings. So you won't be cursed at all. In fact, I suspect you will be blessed. The cascades may indeed become rowdy at times. But I expect you will flourish amidst the lush tumult.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): "It takes a great deal of experience to become natural," wrote Sagittarian author Willa Cather. I'm happy to report that in recent months, you Sagittarians have been becoming more and more natural. You have sought experiences that enhance your authenticity and spontaneity. Keep up the good work! The coming weeks should bring influences and adventures that will dramatically deepen your capacity to be untamed, soulful, and intensely yourself.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): "I intend to live forever," proclaims 66-year-old comedian Steven Wright, who then adds, "So far, so good." I offer you his cheerful outlook in the hope that it might inspire you to dream and scheme about your own longevity. Now is a great time to fantasize about what you would love to accomplish if you are provided with 90 or more years of life to create yourself. In other words, I'm asking you to expand your imagination about your long-term goals. Have fun envisioning skills you'd like to develop and qualities you hope to ripen if you are given all the time you would like to have. (P.S.: Thinking like this could magically enhance your life expectancy.)

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): "Stop insisting on clearing your head," advised author Charles Bukowski. "Clear your fucking heart instead." That will be a superb meditation for you to experiment with in the coming weeks. Please understand that I hope you will also clear your head. That's a worthy goal. But your prime aim should be to clear your heart. What would that mean? Purge all apologies and shame from your longings. Cleanse your tenderness of energy that's inclined to withhold or resist. Free your receptivity to be innocent and curious.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): "The winner will be the one who knows how to pick the right fights," wrote author Jane Ciabattari. Heed her advice, please, Pisces. You will soon be offered chances to deal with several interesting struggles that are worthy of your beautiful intelligence. At least one will technically be a "conflict," but even that will also be a fruitful opportunity. If you hope to derive the greatest potential benefit, you must be selective about which ones you choose to engage. I recommend you give your focus to no more than two. 

This week’s homework: Is there somewhere in your life where you try to exert too much control — and should loosen your grip?

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