Mudgies is back open after Thursday morning fire

click to enlarge Even arson can't stop Mudgie's Deli. - Lee DeVito
Lee DeVito
Even arson can't stop Mudgie's Deli.

Corktown favorite Mudgie's Deli and Wine Shop has reopened following a fire Thursday morning that officials say was arson.

The restaurant announced in an Instagram post that they’d be open for carry-out today until 3 p.m. In the post, they also made it clear they won’t be missing the St. Patrick’s Day Parade and 313 (aka Detroit Day) festivities this weekend.

“We plan to be open and have inside service and carryout, plus we'll have the patio bar and open seating available outside. Come see us,” the post reads.

Officials responded to a call about a fire at the restaurant at 4:38 a.m. on Thursday, March 10. Later that evening, Deputy Fire Commissioner Dave Fornell told Metro Times the fire was determined to be arson, though a suspect had not been identified. Luckily, the fire caused minimal damage.

“We are grateful to all the responders who came to our aid yesterday,” the Instagram post reads. “A fire that started outside of the building has impacted a portion of our operation. The damage assessment is ongoing and we will have to make some pivots to our service model. We are really mastering pivots at this point!”

Indeed they have. In the Instagram post, Mudgie's used the seal of the city of Detroit, which has the words "speramus meliora, resurget cineribus": "we hope for better things, it will rise from the ashes."

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