Eastern Market's print shop Signal-Return hosts Power of the Press Fest with demonstrations, workshops, and quarantine zine library

click to enlarge Signal Return's Power of the Press Fest will host free demonstrations. - Courtesy of Signal Return
Courtesy of Signal Return
Signal Return's Power of the Press Fest will host free demonstrations.

Power to the people… who write the words you read because, take it from us, a bunch of truly unhinged writers: writing is hard. Sure, for some of us, the written word flows from our brain to our fingers to our keyboards and notebooks, but, for most people, making words happen is no easy feat.

As for the people that physically print the words and the images that accompany them, like the folks at Eastern Market print shop Signal-Return, well, it’s a labor of love, too.

To help honor the power of the press is Signal-Return’s aptly named Power of the Press fest. The fest made its debut in 2017 with a five-day workshop-packed event and, for 2021, it has condensed all the print-shop fun down to a single day. The event, which is sponsored by a
Knight Arts Challenge Grant (among other funders) invites guests to attend workshops and demonstrations on wood engraving, paper marbling, woodcut prints, paper making, and book arts. As part of the fest, there will also be more than 50 artists and vendors set up as well as access to the Quarantine Public Library, a repository of books made by artists that, during the pandemic, were published online for anyone to freely download, print, and assemble.

Event runs from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 10 at Eastern Market’s Shed 5, Detroit; powerofthepressfest.org. Event is free and open to the public.

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