Feedback (12/7-13)

Regarding last week's cover story ("How mole is feeding the dining scene in Southwest Detroit") reader Alfredo Santana writes:

Very good article, equally well written. Congratulations on a complex, but tasty subject that provides families a chance to make a livelihood in another large urban area of this country. Love the entrepreneurial spirit of the women described.

In response to Jack Lessenberry's column ("Heroes and horrors") reader Jon Barber writes:

You have just outlined the Democrats' needed strategy for the future — strong ballot issues to bring out voters. Start with a fix for the problem of gerrymandering.

Reader "Harry Palmer" writes:

Now Clinton's lead in the popular vote is surpassing 2.6 million. Turn out isn't the problem, a good read is: "The Political Process Isn't Rigged — It Has Much Bigger Problems" on

In response to last week's arts story about the work of John Ganis ("Photog documents how climate change is already transforming America's coasts") reader "Trexinmichigan" writes:

Shit's going to get real for the deniers soon. No beachfront property. It's going to take a baseball bat to wake these clowns up. But that might be the only way they understand.

Alysa Offman's blog post ("Kid Rock embarrasses himself with a line of Trump-themed merchandise") sparked a lot of discussion. Reader Mike Reade writes:

I was an unabashed fan of Rock 20 years ago when he was still a local, underground musician making interesting hip-hop. I moved on from him during the rap-rawk phase but defended him over the years due to his earned reputation as an incredibly nice guy. It's hard to defend him anymore now that he's just barely clinging to a semblance of a music career by crass, shameless appeals to Michibillies.

Reader "Trump is a Moronic Swamp Nazi" writes:

Trump may have actually learned a thing or two from Rock about fooling inbreds into thinking that you care about them.

Maybe Trump can appoint Rock to his cabinet as his Secretary of Crap Rap.

Reader "Shooby" writes:

Must be the sour grapes that's causing all the bellyaching from the losing party. Why do you care what Kid Rock does, sells, wears, etc.? Don't watch, listen, buy or wear any of it ... problem solved!

In response to Mike McGonigal's blog post about community activist Monica Lewis-Patrick winning a $100,000 grant from the KIND Foundation ("Detroit's 'water warrior' Monica Lewis-Patrick awarded $100K prize by nice snack food people"), reader "nobsartist" writes:

Why isn't this lady the mayor? Better yet, why isn't she working directly for KIND? We need a lot more people like her ... and a lot less of the lackeys in Lansing.

In response to a photo slideshow on ("15 places to see the best Christmas lights in Michigan") reader Lindsey-Anne Gawthrop writes:

We recently saw that you did an article on holiday light displays. We wanted to share our show with you.

We are located in Lake Orion and our show is called Lights on the Lake. This is our second year of doing the show. We have partnered with The Daisy Project Michigan to directly benefit "Let Them Play" which is a playground for disabled children at Friendship Park here on Lake Orion.