Ford has the best response to Trump's lie last night

In case you missed the WWE match first Presidential Debate last night consider yourself lucky. What you missed was a highly congested orange blob yelling nonsense for 90 minutes while a well-prepared Presidential candidate gave real solutions to America's problems. 

One of the many things that spewed out of Donald Trump's mouth was a remark about jobs leaving the US and heading to Mexico and China. One of these companies he mentioned was Ford. 

“So Ford is leaving. You see that their small car division [is] leaving. Thousands of jobs leaving Michigan, leaving Ohio. They’re all leaving. And we can’t allow it to happen anymore,”

Hmmm....You sure about that, Donald?

Thanks to Lester Holt the fact checkers at the United Auto Workers and Ford, their Twitter accounts immediately countered what Trump has just said.

Ford is in fact opening a plant in Mexico and will be producing the Ford Focus and Ford C-Max in 2018 there. The Wayne Assembly Plant currently makes the models there. 

The company did announce that they will be adding two new models that will replace the small cars that are being moved to Mexico. They said that no jobs will be lost

During a Fox News interview a few weeks ago, Trump said that he would impose a 35% tax on cars made in Mexico that return to the US. which many economists say would be no bueno for us.

Granted, would it be nice to see a new plant built in the US? Absolutely. But Trump seems to be twisting everything so he can feed into the fears of Americans in order to gain support.