Affirmations to host transgender health fair

click to enlarge Affirmations to host transgender health fair
Photo courtesy of Transgender Michigan.
"A lot of transgender people haven't seen a doctor in years and years," says Rachel Crandall-Crocker, the executive director of Transgender Michigan. "They're afraid of health care institutions because they're worried they will be discriminated against. They're worried they won't be understood."

Crandall-Crocker says when she first told her doctor she was trans, he tried to talk her out of it.

"Most health care professionals haven't had any training in caring for transgender people and they don't understand how to react to it," she says. 

That's why she and Transgender Michigan have hosted a special annual health fair for the last five year. They're hoping to cater to this minority group that's often ostracized and overlooked. 

"We'll have a couple doctors who specialize in trans health, we'll have health screenings like blood pressure readings and other regular screenings," says Crandall-Crocker. They'll also have more specialized health care professionals like speech therapists.

"A lot of trans people need help with their voice," she says. "When they transition their voice doesn't match with their new gender and they need help with that." 

The health fair takes places on Saturday, Sept. 24 at the Ferndale Affirmations location at 290 W. Nine Mile Rd. It runs from 1 to 4 p.m. and entry is free. For more info click here.