NerdWallet: Detroit is the most dangerous city for drivers

click to enlarge NerdWallet: Detroit is the most dangerous city for drivers
Rhonda_Jenkins on Pixabay
If you've ever driven in Detroit, what you're about to read probably won't come as a surprise.

The personal finance website NerdWallet has released a ranking of the most dangerous cities for drivers, and Detroit tops the list. The site looked at statistics on accident rates, fatalities, and car-related crimes to determine the best and worst places to be a car owner in the United States. 

High accident rates and even higher rates of car break-ins and vehicle theft earned Detroit the #1 spot. 

Detroit took the top spot in another area too. Average annual insurance rates in Detroit topped $5400, almost $3000 more than drivers in the second-worst city, Baton Rouge, pay for their coverage. Compared to NerdWallet's safest city for drivers, Cary, NC, Detroiters are spending almost eight times as much to insure their cars. 

According to some estimates used as part of Mayor Duggan's push for his D-Insurance plan for city residents, more than half of Detroit's auto owners are uninsured. With limited public transportation and a region designed around the automobile, the cost of insuring a car in the city remains an obstacle to revitalization efforts.

While the factors in NerdWallet's analysis aren't the only reason Detroiters pay such exorbitant rates, they certainly aren't helping matters any.