Shipping container restaurant coming to Campus Martius

Shipping container restaurant coming to Campus Martius
The Fountain Detroit/Facebook
Campus Martius is welcoming its newest eatery this month, in the form of a shipping container that was delivered alongside the downtown park's sandy beach early this morning, the Downtown Detroit Partnership said today.

To replace the smaller Beach Bar and Grill, The Fountain Detroit is set to open for business May 27. The concept, set inside a 40-foot long steel shipping container, will expand upon the outdoor bar's offerings.

On the a menu will be a series of "snack boxes" such as charcuterie, cheese and fruit, and smoked salmon, as well as Hamtramck pierogis, Corridor sausages, and paninis.

Crain's Detroit says the new venue will seat about 100 and be open seasonally until October when the vessel will be removed to make way for the ice skating rink.

Fountain Detroit is owned by 800 Parc, LLC, which was named the new concessionaire for the park in February. That's when the more upscale Fountain Bistro shuttered. The group has plans to open a new restaurant in its place sometime this year.