Just announced: Louis C.K. plays Detroit in August

click to enlarge Just announced: Louis C.K. plays Detroit in August
photo from Wikipedia of the performer in Kuwait in 2008
Comic genius person Louis C.K. just sent an email out to fans (of which we count ourselves, of course) about an upcoming tour, which includes a date at Joe Louis Arena on August 5.

Tickets are $50, and you can buy them right here.

That's a bit of money, to be sure. And it might be hard to imagine a comedian pulling off a performance in such a huge-ass venue— especially a comedian whose work relies so heavily on slight facial movements and bodily gestures.

The most money I ever spent to see a funny person is when I saw him in Seattle three years ago, and that was at a venue that holds thousands of people and I'm glad I went.

He was funny, and stuff, and that's my story. Oh, I went from third person to first without asking your permission or informing you first in this blog post; hope that was okay.