Feedback: Reader Responses

A funny thing happened when we posted this week's News Hit about Fox News viewers took to Facebook to say "Bomb Hamtramck" — some folks took us to task for promoting hate speech. We're still wondering how you report on the important issues of the day by ignoring them, but here's the gist. Steve Teodecki commented:

Thanks, Metro Times, for giving all the haters and fear-mongers lots more air time to proliferate their hate. That's not news. You are a vile, destructive power in Detroit. You should ignore and shun those that hate, instead of broadcasting about them. Your article fuels others far and wide who want to feel one with a national movement of hate and murder. So, this is the last straw. I am posting this to all my Detroit friends and the public so they can see how vile you are. Then I'm unliking and blocking your page. And turning off notifications too. I don't want to hear from you again.

And Mohamed Badaoui commented:

I can't believe you posted this! How horrible! You're highlighting the extreme hate and bigotry a lot of Americans have. Not just against Muslims, but also against blacks, Mexicans, Jews, atheists, women, the poor, the mentally challenged, etc.

In response to Alexandra Fluegel's post, "Watch the new 'soulful' Detroit Pure Michigan ad," our veteran commenter Ed posted:

The Pabulum 2000 random platitude generator worked very well on this one. There was definitely an "ew" or six that I felt watching it. Maybe they all came from Tim Dick's voice, which I free associate with terms like "narc," "neocon," and "person I don't want to ever hear from again."

It felt like this was created by an agency in Grand Rapids or something, and they were talking about Des Moines. That's the point of it, to get whites in the hinterland to come spend bucks in the city, and to make it feel safe and sunny. So for that they did a good job. I think the stupid shit that they said in it about a soul and keeping the change is just the new normal. People want their emotions tickled, and they don't necessarily need their warm and fuzzy programming to make any goddam sense. Just grateful that there weren't any Care Bears licking ice cream cones in Cass Corridor.

In response to Jack Lessenberry's column, "Saving Meechigan From Them Perverts!" Adam Kadmon commented:

I have an idea that will fix the whole "bathroom situation."

Three bathrooms.

The third bathroom isn't for transgender people; it's a place for all the conservatives to hide from social progress.

In reply to Alysa Offman's "Musical swings let you be a kid again in Cadillac Square," Pam Murray commented:

Cool, but can't quite avoid the weirdness of the very childlike culture that the Quicken employees have brought to downtown. Giant chess pieces, a fake beach, painted pianos, and now musical swings. It's like Alice in Gilbertland. Where's the hookah smoking caterpillar and the disappearing cat?

Erratum: The article "Get to know 5 new Tigers" in our Opening Day issue should have stated it was written by Carl Poposki and Shae Brophy of Detroit Sports Nation.