Horoscopes (March 4-10)

Horoscopes (March 4-10)
James Noellert

ARIES | March 21 – April 20: With everything under control, you're doing an excellent job in a situation that ordinary beings could not handle. Perched in the catbird seat, it's as if you're the cream that's risen to the top. As 100% of your attention continues to be called to task, the human side of your life could easily fall by the wayside. There are times when we have no choice about these things. In your case, those who love you are well aware of what you're up against. Your goals and ambitions aside, don't wait too long to reconnect with the ones who'll be there for you when the big stuff fades away.

TAURUS | April 21 – May 20: You don't necessarily need to know what'll happen next. Part of this lesson involves realizing that even though you've done everything in your power to show up and apply yourself to this situation, from this point on you don't have much to say about it. If you're impatient, relax and try to look at this as if you got to the station a little bit early. Just because you're the only one who has a clue, there's no need to start thinking that others won't wake up or show up! Stop worrying about coming up with a solution to it all. Be smart, knowing that the solution will come to you.

GEMINI | May 21 – June 20: The best thing about what's going on right now is that no one's around to tell you what to do. It's as if you're finally free to do it your way; either that, or what you're doing is so totally new and different, you and whoever you're with are on a road to discovery that wasn't part of the plan. You'll be able to take this dream as far as you want, as long as you know that you can't lie or go out of integrity and expect it to work. If any of your motives are the least bit underhanded, anything you try to do is going to get derailed by the fact that you forgot to keep your heart on track.

CANCER | June 21 – July 20: You're either ready to expand into a whole new realm of expression or you're ready to explode because you can't find a way to break the mold. If you're one of the ones who's excited by the changes that have made your life so interesting, more power to you; you've tapped into things that are about to hotwire your wildest dreams. If you're in the latter category, more than likely you're experiencing some sense of frustration over the fact that your little plan isn't working, and you're too stubborn or stuck to realize that in situations like this it's best to move on or let go.

LEO | July 21 – August 20: When it starts to feel like no one feels anything as much as you do, it's time to haul back and get a grip. Not that there's anything wrong with having your pulse hooked up to the heart of things, but this can turn maudlin. Uplifting yourself will require you to find a way to channel your emotions into things that will give you a way to deal with them. At the mundane level, it would help to keep your attention on the simple things just to restore a sense of balance and continuity. You can even channel the emotions creatively. Once you do this, your heart will begin to lighten up.

VIRGO | August 21 – Sept. 20: The atmosphere is filled with energies that make you wish you had a better handle on what to do next. When the rug keeps getting pulled out from under us, certainty becomes oxymoronic. Don't expect to have it all figured out; life isn't that simple for any of us anymore. Traditional methods, standard procedures, and what you take to be the most sensible thing won't work for you now. The best you can do is to keep the radar tuned to the channel that broadcasts your higher self and stay flexible enough to move wherever, whenever, and in whichever direction it calls you to go.

LIBRA | Sept. 21 – Oct. 20: You're wondering why it's so hard to get around the issues that have you under the gun. There's a definite pull between the past and the idea that you need to let it go or make peace with it. If this has anything to do with your love life, then I suspect that you need to outgrow certain things before you can make a commitment or know for sure that this is what you want. So much of your soul is caught up longing for something that your spirit isn't quite ready for. Be patient. Look at everything that's going on as a test and try to get truthful enough to pass it.

SCORPIO | Oct. 21 – Nov. 20: You're feeling boxed in by too many demands and are beginning to rethink choices that were made a few years ago. At that time, the most sensible thing to do was to settle in, settle down, or settle for something that you were sure would pan out. Things have changed drastically, and what seemed like the answer back then has basically painted you into a corner. Don't get too hung up wondering how you're going to manage it. As taxing as this is, if you remain open to anything, it'll morph into an opportunity or attract circumstances that miraculously clear things up.

SAGITTARIUS | Nov. 21 – Dec. 20: Nobody would believe it if you tried to explain this. You're off on the tip of your arrow rediscovering not only yourself, but the meaning of life. Whatever it is that brought you to this place is no longer an issue, and you''re tuned to a whole new bandwidth. Give everything you do as much light as you can and gather your strength as you prepare to go forward. Moving away from the past could include the possibility of relocation. For many of you, the geographical cure might work. For others, you're just fine where you are and would do just as well to stay put.

CAPRICORN | Dec. 21 – Jan. 20: You're so good at staying focused, it would be great if you didn't have to keep getting distracted by things that keep rattling your cage. On some level, you're so clear about what you're doing that you've even convinced others that you know what's going on. But you've swept too much under the rug to really believe that you can get off to a whole new start with all this dead weight threatening to drag you down. The picture you've hung over the hole in the wall is pretty enough, but it's what's behind it that you need to reckon with if you really want this to work.

AQUARIUS | Jan. 21 – Feb. 20: Before you decide to sign up for anything, take the time to look at who you're dealing with. What seems like such a great idea will turn out to be three times harder than it looks. You've already got way too much going on. Do yourself a favor and let someone else be the one who winds up holding the bag and/or playing the Little Red Hen. Your need to be overly capable would be put to better use if you poured all of that energy into your own work. At a time when your lessons involve bringing your gifts to fruition, you'd be totally nuts to yoke them to a lesser purpose.

PISCES | Feb. 21 – March 20: Caught between the past and the future, you're trying to find the connecting link between the two. The sense of being stuck, or perhaps overly attached to decisions that were made before time and experience shifted your perspective, are rooted in not knowing how to make changes that will set you on a whole new course. The question of what to give up and what to keep is all over this. Before the Equinox rolls around, there's a good chance that you'll have it all figured out. Until then, keep in mind that there's a silver lining inside this dark cloud of unknowing.

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