A Harry Potter wizarding school in Detroit?

click to enlarge Looks like Detroit architecture to us too, Tom.
Looks like Detroit architecture to us too, Tom.
There was a BIG announcement in the world of Harry Potter last week. Brand new writing by J.K. Rowling revealed information about four previously unmentioned international schools of witchcraft and wizardry, including one in North America called Ilvermorny. 

While complete descriptions for three of the schools were provided, not much was said about Ilvermorny, and according to one self-described impatient fanboy, it's most definitely going to be revealed to be in Detroit. 

The fan, a 13+ year veteran and managing editor in the publishing industry named Tom, writes on his site,

"All we got was a name and an illustration of the school, shrouded in clouds, hovering above the Great Lakes region. And that got me excited because I’m from the Great Lakes region. Specifically, I’m from Detroit, one of the most notorious and misunderstood cities in North America, and I personally think that Detroit would make a TREMENDOUS home for Ilvermorny. I really do. I think that wizarding academy has been here all along."

Tom also took to Twitter and made a strong case for his theory. 
We've gotta side with Tom on this one. We like the idea of magic happening here.