Erin Brockovich highlights the Flint water fight

Environmental activist Erin Brockovich took to Facebook on Tuesday to slam Michigan authorities regarding Flint's drinking water controversy — and offered a shoutout to Metro Times and contributor Curt Guyette for covering the issue.

Brockovich posted a photo of Brad Wurfel, the Communications Director at Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, captioning the image with a lengthy tirade calling Wurfel a "spin doctor" and "paid distorter of truth" for his role in downplaying a July EPA memo and ongoing investigation that revealed the presence of lead in Flint's drinking water supply.

Brockovich then cited Metro Times contributor Curt Guyette's recent reporting on the issue, highlighting three times Wurfel had attempted to discredit or deny the ongoing investigations. 

On Thursday, the Genesee County Health Department finally admitted there was a problem with Flint's water, declaring a public health emergency and urging citizens not to drink water that has not been tested or filtered.

As Guyette reported, further study of Flint's water quality was launched by a group of citizens working in conjunction with researchers at Virginia Tech and the ACLU of Michigan, who continued to study the issue despite Wurfel's denial. "If [they] had been willing to swallow that claim, children in Flint would still be getting lead poisoned," he wrote.

Read Guyette's story here or read it in this week's print edition of Metro Times. Read Brockovich's full post below:

Good People of Flint, Michigan... and all of Michigan.This is the face of the Spin Doctor. Disgusting and shameful. A...

Posted by Erin Brockovich on Tuesday, October 6, 2015