Five places to get your cold-pressed juice fix in metro Detroit

Admit it: you’ve thought about trying a juice cleanse. Cold-pressed juice is the health fad of 2015, which must mean all the cool kids must be doing it now. Think of it like the Sketcher’s Shape-up craze of 2010, but on steroids. You might still be mourning the loss of your trusty and ineffective round-bottomed shoes, but now you can replace them with a brand new accessory — a cold bottle of healthy (and maybe slightly pretentious) juice.

The juice is created by using a hydraulic press that operates with tons of pressure to extract juice without using heat, allowing it to retain its nutrients (and resulting in that average $8-per-bottle price). But for those who want to try the fad and shop locally, the good news is the cold-pressed juice market is growing here in Detroit. Here’s a neat little list of places you can go if you want to give cleansing a try or are just looking for a quick drink. (Plus, you know the health freak within you has been dying to come out since you started doing yoga last month.)

Beyond Juice

With locations in both Birmingham and Rochester, Beyond Juice is a fresh and trendy place to grab a sandwich and smoothie, or pick up a case of cold-pressed juice. A one-day cleanse runs at $50, while single bottles are $7 – $9, so you’re sure to find some combination or flavor that you like. Birmingham location: 270 W. Maple Rd., Birmingham; 248-594-7078. Rochester location: 120 E. Fourth St., Rochester; 248-841-1670;


Created by the five James sisters, Drought uses seasonal ingredients from local suppliers. The company originated in Detroit and is working to expand itself to other areas. A one-day cleanse is $63, while single bottles are anywhere from $7 – $12. 441 W. Canfield St., Detroit, 248-850-7522;

Jungle Juice Bar

Established in 2013, Grosse Pointe’s friendly juice bar works to be both environmentally conscious and holistically nutritious. Jungle Juice Bar wishes to share their “health wealth” with their raw juices and snacks while utilizing locally grown products. One-day cleanse packages are $40, and a single juice is just under $6. 14929 Charlevoix St., Grosse Pointe Park; 313-571-3075;

Urge Juice

Urge Juice has locations in both Berkley and Northville, as well as a kiosk at Papa Joe’s in Birmingham. The company produces only cold-pressed juice, mainly focusing on creating an unpasteurized, raw, 100 percent organic product. Their one-day cleanse is $60, and individual bottles go around $10. Berkley location: 3628 W. 12 Mile Rd., Berkley; 248-956-0085. Northville location: 137 E. Main St., Northville; 248-308-3499;


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Whole Foods

Photo via Instagram, diary.of.a.mad.boy.

If you’re feeling especially lazy but still want to get in on the juice trend, there are several Whole Foods locations around the metro Detroit area that carry their own line of raw juice. They press the juice right in their store, and use their own produce in order to create the freshest product possible. While they don’t offer full day packages, there is an assortment of flavors to choose from to create your own program. A 16 oz bottle of Whole Foods’ juice is usually around $7, but larger bottle are also sold and run at a higher price. They also carry more popular cold press brands such as Suja and Blueprint in bulk.