Horoscopes (Dec. 18-24)

Horoscopes (Dec. 18-24)
James Noellert

ARIES | March 21 – April 20: You have more going for you than you realize. Between what happened way back when and the beliefs that have filled your head with ideas that keep you stuck on the notion that you have to play by the rules, you're like a Super Man/Woman who never left the phone booth. It's time to suit up, my friend. I see enormous gifts and a huge amount of power and authority that needs to be directed toward that which you love. Nothing else matters; it's now or never. Getting out of your rut, getting out of the box, and/or getting away from what's known and familiar is where it's at right now.

TAURUS | April 21 – May 20: If you're wondering about other people and their integrity, think twice about extending them the benefit of the doubt. You'd be wise to run them through a few more tests before you sign on or cement any type of connection. This is one of those situations where your ability to read people and their motives can't be colored by sentiment or whatever it is that wants them to be what you need. It's a good thing there's no rush here. Keep your feet on the ground and the discernment switch "on." The time it takes to make sure you're betting on the right horse will be well-spent.

GEMINI | May 21 – June 20: This is a defining moment for many of you. What happens next is in the hands of fate and entirely dependent on how you've handled yourself up until now. Others who are directly involved with your situation have a lot to say about how things unfold. Some of them are trustworthy; some of them are not. As the next few weeks play out, you will find out who your friends are. Anyone else would have a hard time handling all of this. You shine in situations where the odds are stacked against you. Things will get ironed out in your favor before the seasons change.

CANCER | June 21 – July 20: You don't know which way to turn. It seems as if something is preventing you from making this decision, even though you're 100% clear about how you feel. Taking action becomes difficult when what we want goes against everything we've been taught, but times have changed and the old rules don't apply anymore. All you can do is trust your gut — but if you can't do that, it's easy enough to ask for three clear signs. You'd be surprised how the universe responds when we ask it to tell us what to do. When the choice isn't obvious, the Spirits always know which way to go.

LEO | July 21 – August 20: You have it made on so many levels. It's great to be able to raise your hand and say, "My life works." Part of me envies you because, personally, I could never get my reality to shape up the way yours does. At the same time, I know better. The bright and shiny, always tip-top exterior is rarely what it appears to be. This is not sour grapes; it comes from what I've learned about living in duality. Wherever there is great light, there is great darkness. Be grateful for the beauty you've created, but be mindful of the other half. You'll miss it all if you overlook the dark stuff.

VIRGO | August 21 – Sept. 20: If going deeper scares you, it's because you're afraid to see what you don't want to see. You could keep skating around on the surface, but it will keep you from being all that you can be. I see huge needs to eliminate useless people and activities. If you can bring yourself to do this, you'll notice that it's time to tell the truth, no matter what it costs you. A lot of people and things are bound to slip away, only because they have nothing to do with you. Whatever's left in the wake of all of this will allow you to connect with who you really are and what you really want.

LIBRA | Sept. 21 – Oct. 20: Congratulations! You've just pulled yourself out of the hole. Either that or the light at the end of the tunnel is reminding you that every time we enter the dark night of the soul, we're smack-dab in the middle of a big growth spurt. The sense that the monkey on your back is gone for good is very real. So is the idea that you're lucky to be back on track, back where you belong. With so much garbage out of the way, the future is wide open. Spread your wings, my friend. What lies on the road ahead will turn out to be your reward for knowing why it's time to transcend all of this.

SCORPIO | Oct. 21 – Nov. 20: Between reunions and celebrations that have given you a chance to connect with friends and family, you've settled down enough to take a good long look at where you want to go from here. It looks like a decision needs to be made. And what you're thinking is that you'd like to get out from under some of this pressure and start living according to a simpler plan. If you've taken on too much, you could be sweating bullets over what it's costing you to maintain it. Lightening up will make it easier to either move in a new direction or devise a way to rearrange the old one.

SAGITTARIUS | Nov. 21 – Dec. 20: You've come out of some intense lessons in one piece. Everything about you has been altered by whatever the story involves. Who you are now and who you were then is not the same person. Of late, the idea that it's time to broaden your horizons simmers in the back of your mind. If a sense of duty and the weight of feeling like practically everything is up to you hems you in, remember this: Sometimes we have to get out of Dodge for a while. It's not irresponsible, and it's not an escape. A hiatus is often just what we need to keep ourselves and everything else afloat.

CAPRICORN | Dec. 21 – Jan. 20: Too many things have converged simultaneously. For some of you, this feels like life is finally coming together; for others, it feels more like a 10-car pileup. When things get this nuts, there's not much to do but wait. So what can you do while you're waiting? Meditating on the situation would be a good place to start. You need space and time to look at what's going on. Once you get the picture, you'll know more about what needs to be done. Unraveling this knot will take awhile; it's all tangled up. So settle in, settle down, and do whatever you can to get to the bottom of it.

AQUARIUS | Jan. 21 – Feb. 20: For the next few weeks, it would be great if you could get into things that invigorate your heart and soul. It might even be time to forget about the mountain of obligations in the background and dive headfirst into what you absolutely love. All of us need to do this in regular cycles. Life loses its meaning if we don't. Others are bound to put the pressure on. What they expect from you could make it harder to let yourself off the hook. It's totally OK to stand firm and say "no" if these expectations don't work for you. Kindly let them know that obliging them isn't on the menu right now.

PISCES | Feb. 21 – March 20: It seems like things have been in limbo forever. At this point, you're thinking something's got to give. Levels of impatience with the "stuck-ness" of too many things have you wishing you had a little more control. I hate to say it, but a little more control won't work here. In most every situation, the lesson is about surrendering to larger forces. Efforts to "manifest" whatever your ego has in mind only interfere with what is ultimately a Karmic process. Relax. Let go and give in to the fact that beyond a certain point, we have to know enough to let life open the way.

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