Well, now that we've got the annual Detroit Jazzfest issue out of the way, it’s time to come up for air and mention that there’s a fuck of a lot, festival-wise, going on in the metro Detroit area during this coming long Labor Day weekend. You’d think maybe they’d try to space these fests out just a little bit

but I guess that would give us all slimmer pickings as summer descends into September.

The Chrysler Arts, Beats & Eats fest runs this weekend, August 29th through September 1st, in downtown Pontiac. Sure, they’ll be plenty of food available, as well as plenty of local artwork to purchase. But the festival also boasts in its news release that it’ll feature 150 local bands, as well as some national acts like Blues Traveler, Chaka Kahn (used to have a girlfriend who gave her cat that name; she was a DJ who’d leave the radio on at home every day and play a cut by Rufus with Chaka Kahn, just to get a response from her feline – fascinating story, eh?), the cast of Beatlemania! (not the real Fab Four, of course, but an "incredible simulation"), Puddle of Mudd, Loverboy (they’re still around?) and Rusted Root (and, hey, the press release notes our pals the Hard Lessons as a “national act”

pretty cool!). In addition to Augie, Korin and Chrisophe, other local acts playing throughout the weekend include the Universal Temple of Doom, our friends the Muggs (hey, why aren’t they listed as a “national” act?), 60 Second Crush, the Orbitsuns, Detroit Techno Militia, jazzeteer Jesse Palter and Love Meets Lust, among numerous others. Go here for a full music schedule.

During those same days — August 29th through September 1st — the annual Hamtramck Labor Day Festival will also be presenting mucho local music, a lot of it with a (of course!) Polish bent. Pretty sure our friend Melody Licious (or Baetens to those who read the Detroit News blogs) booked this, but I can’t remember for sure and don’t feel like looking it up...but, hey, this gives us a chance to mention her... Anyway, some of the local bands on hand will include Scott Morgan’s Powertrane, American Mars, I Crime, Hellen, Michael Quatro (he’s still around? Christ, I remember when he opened for Alice Cooper in Flint back in the ‘70s; used to promote Detroit concerts back in the day -- including shows by the MC5 and Stooges, as well, I believe

and, yes, he’s the brother of Suzy and that chick in Fanny, one of the first all-female rock combos), Danny D, Polka Floyd, Millions of Brazilians, Speedball and the Polish Muslims, the latter who’ll be playing their traditional Sunday night set. The rest of the good news is that — like the Chrysler Fest in Pontiac, not to mention Jazzfest — all the music is free. The event takes place, as always, on Jos Campau between Caniff and Carpenter. For a full musical schedule, go here.

Finally, speaking of the Polish Muslims, Dave and the dudes will be the entertainment throughout the day at the Belle Isle Grand Prix's Free Priix day, this Friday, August 29th, starting at 12:20 p.m., with the band playing off and on until 5:45 p.m. Opening the show will be power-popsters the earworms, who’ll hit the stage, at 11:30 a.m. That group features Muslim members Ken Kondrat, Al Phife and Dave Uchalik. The 'worms have been working on new studio material at Ferndale's Tempermill Studios and are now looking at a late fall release of a new four-song EP.

The Muggs: Catch 'em in Pontiac this weekend....