Ask a Juggalo: Why are the old Juggalos ostracizing the newbies?

Q: An email from "Psycho the Clown" asks, "I've noticed something lately in my state and it bothers me. Why are the old Juggalos ostracizing the newbies? As someone who considers myself an old-school Juggalo, I have to say that us judging each other bothers me. We're all family. One shouldn't be disgraceful to the other."

A:I completely agree with that. I think it's very unfair. I think what happens is that among the people who have been listening to ICP for a long time, old-school Juggalos, the opinion is that the younger Juggalos aren't respectful about the family part. But at the same time, if that's how you feel, don't bash them as they're coming in; teach them to be respectful of the fact that we are a family and to just be nice to each other. I think it's kind of sad how it really has separated into old-school and new-school Juggalos. I agree that it should just be a collective, a family, no matter how long you've been listening to it. It's always kind of a big joke when people are like, "Oh, I've been down for this long," or "I've been down longer than you have." It shouldn't matter, as long as you're getting the message across that you're following. Just being a good person and the family part of it. I don't think it matters how long you've been listening. It's funny, though, that there are people like that: "I've been listening to it for 20 years and you've been listening to it for three years, so you're not on the same level." I don't think that's true. As long as your heart is in it, that's all that matters.

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