Ask a Juggalo: How is it possible to not be a "hound dog"?

Q: How is it possible to not be a "hound dog"? Sure, you don't want to be riding their nuts, but ICP are idols. How can you not be a hound dog just a little when you first meet them and want an autograph?

A: First of all, what Juggalos consider to be a "hound dog" is someone who's starstruck with the celebrity portion of it. Someone that's all about meeting ICP and getting the autograph. But it's hard to say who's a "hound dog," honestly, because, you know, it's your favorite band, you want to meet them, you want to get autographs and stuff like that. Being from Detroit, I take it for granted. We see them all the time. It's not a big deal to me. It's very cool to be able to chill with them, and we have a lot of opportunities to meet with them; people who live in other states and other countries aren't as fortunate as us. But the thing about hound dogs is, when they get it, it's like they take advantage of it. A hound dog takes it to another level. It's like the hound dog in the song "Hound Dogs." The real Juggalos will come up and wanna hang out and say, "What's up?" Of course you want to meet your favorite artist and get pictures and get autographs. I agree. But, every once in a while, there's that one guy in there that's just all up on them, taking up all their time, not letting anyone else get in there, or when you're getting something signed they're still talking to them. They don't like to take their turn and move on. That's when you're starting to "hound dog." It's out of control. Everyone gets their turn, but for the hound dog, they try to get a little extra out of it. They're all about meeting the artists, getting the pictures or autographs, just to say that they met them. They typically don't know the music or the message behind it.