Detroit Most Dangerous City for Pedestrians

According to a report from Bloomberg, Detroit is the most dangerous city in the nation for pedestrians. (ht Crain's)

The report, based on a study by Liberty Mutual, says that Seattle, Boston, and Washington, DC are all the safest cities to walk in. New York City came in at #5.

Of course, the safest cities to walk in also have functional mass transit systems

The report notes that 4,700 pedestrians were killed in the U.S. in 2012, and that 5 percent more people are walking to work now than in the year 2000.

It seems to us that a comprehensive public transit system isn't just less expensive than driving, it'll also save pedestrian lives. And it'll also cut back on the number of drunk driving fatalities.

And yet, MDOT insists on spending money to widen highways that don't need to be widened—"an epic waste"—and not on mass transit.