Metro Detroit AFL-CIO responds to MT's blog post on Labor Day trash left at Navin Field

We reached out to the AFL-CIO this morning to discuss the trash left at Navin Field after the Labor Day pre-parade speeches. Metro Detroit AFL-CIO President Rick Blocker called us back this afternoon. 

"I love Detroit," Blocker told us, with sincerity. "We were doing everything we could to make sure no bad light was cast upon Detroit, or the Labor movement. We had a great event. We had the Vice President at the old Tiger Stadium!" 

Blocker expressed his love for Navin Field, and respect from around the world that has poured in for the Navin Field Grounds Crew, who have been caring for the Corner since 2010. NFGC took great care in cleaning up the area after the Parade and events on the Corner yesterday morning.

Tom Derry, NFGC founder, was proud and appreciative of Vice President Joe Biden's appearance on Labor Day, and had no problem cleaning up left over trash. "It's what we do," he told Metro Times, in order to keep the Field in pristine shape for families and folks of all ages to enjoy.

The land is so revered that many families are known to spread the ashes of their loved ones around the playing field, including home plate, the pitchers mound, the bases, and the outfield. 

Below is a picture of Derry with just some of the NFGC the day before Labor Day. They had mowed the corner, in preparation for the AFL-CIO's Labor Day festivities.