Happy birthday, Larry D. Alexander

Born on this day 61 years ago in Dermott, Ark., Larry Dell Alexander is a self-taught artist who has more than a passing connection with Detroit. Alexander moved up to Detroit in the 1970s, wound up working at a Chrysler plant, and became a certified mechanic for almost two decades. He met his wife, Patricia, while living in our fair city, then moved to Texas with her.

His Detroit experiences are recorded in Alexander's "Detroit Series," a collection of paintings depicting life in Detroit, unveiled to the public long before Detroit had any of the cool cachet it has today.

Alexander is still alive and well, teaching, writing books, and evangelizing in the name of Christianity. Seems a good time to tip our cap to the man: Thanks for recording us in paint, Larry.

"Belle Isle," by Larry D. Alexander

"Across the Detroit River," by Larry D. Alexander