Blowout Motor City Fives


1. What musical accomplishment of yours are you most proud of?

Initially, our goal was to put out a 45 and maybe play the Magic Stick if we were lucky. I would have never imagined playing on a boat in Paris or getting lost on Highway 61 en route to Mobile, Ala. We've been very lucky, and I'm most proud of coming out of it all reinvigorated and constantly evolving.

2. Favorite local band/artist (other than yourself!)?

I really like what the Silent Giants and Pinky Blaster do as far as design. Glass Action's "Bowie Nightlight" is also the coolest thing to happen to a light bulb since Edison. We've played with a band from Lansing called the Continental Things who were great too.

3. What do the words "YouTube sensation" mean to you?

YouTube sensation = the widest gap ever between fame and talent. That little kid who got drugged at the dentist's office is pretty funny, but, for the most part, I find a lot of Internet communities to be pretty disappointing. WiFi has given a forum (and an audience) to every uninformed idiot's knee-jerk reaction to anything and everything. 

4. Who is the greatest Detroit musical export of all time?

I guess I'd have to go with Henry Ford — as a conduit. His assembly line lured to town (or otherwise employed) the likes of John Lee Hooker and Berry Gordy. Close proximity to the auto industry also directly influenced the MC5, Mitch Ryder, Eminem, the White Stripes. ... it's unavoidable, and it's what makes the area unique. 

5. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Maybe it's a result of four years of touring, but I tend not to look too far into the future. 2009 was the best year we've ever had as a band, but it also came with a lot of unforeseen challenges. On our first record, I sang "27 seems so old" in reference to people like Kurt Cobain and Jimi Hendrix. As of this year, I'm older than both of them. Writing songs and performing will always be a part of my life, which should take me through the next 10 years, ... granted I survive Blowout.

The Hard Lessons play Friday, March 5, at 1 a.m. at the New Dodge. (Augie will also be playing with his School of Rock students at the same venue on Saturday, March 6, at 7 p.m.)


1. What musical accomplishment of yours are you most proud of?

Hooking up the iPod station to my living room stereo. Now I can listen to the iPod while I am in the living room!

2. Favorite local band/artist (other than yourself!)?


3. What do the words "YouTube sensation" mean to you?


4. Who is the greatest Detroit musical export of all time?

Who is the greatest Detroit musical import of all time? That's what I wanna know.

5. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

My guess is that 10 years from now, we will all still be relying primarily on mirrors to see ourselves in.

The Octopus play Friday, March 5, at midnight at the G of C Hall


1. What musical accomplishment of yours are you most proud of?

I've played in more than 16 countries on three continents with three different bands. I've gotten to see, hear and do more things in my 20s than some people get to in their entire lives. I cherish that, and I don't take it for granted.

2. Favorite local band/artist (other than yourself!)?

It's kind of strange because these two are married, but I'll always be amazed and inspired by any music from any of Wendy Case's or Ross Westerbur's bands. And I know I may seem biased, but I also will always be a hardcore Wolfbait fan. 

3. What do the words "YouTube sensation" mean to you?

I think of parents videotaping their kids doing something incredibly hilarious at just the right moment. 

4. Who is the greatest Detroit musical export of all time?

Bill Kozy. He's humble, talented, a great success and, above all, he is true to the city and the musicians in it. 

5. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Well, if you asked me 10 years ago when I played my first Blowout what I'd be doing in 10 years, I probably would not have guessed that I'd be answering a survey for Blowout coverage ... so who knows? I'm sure I'll be playing music, and I'll still be writing about music and musicians.

The Swamp Sisters play Friday, March 5, at 10:20 p.m. at the Painted Lady.


1. What musical accomplishment of yours are you most proud of?

It would have to be recording the Crooks’ record with Matthew Smith (Outrageous Cherry). Working with Matthew was an honor and an unbelievable experience. I’ve learned so much from him.

2. Favorite local band/artist (other than yourself!)?

Well, I’m totally in love with bands like the Muggs, Outrageous Cherry and the Sights. But right now, my favorite Detroit band would have to be the Hand Grenades. They’re really cool dudes and extremely talented musicians.

3. What do the words "YouTube sensation" mean to you?

Those two words just mean that today’s society is even more stupid then I thought. Computers have turned the brains of today’s youth into mush. It makes me sick to see what people watch on YouTube, and then call it a sensation. It’s unbelievable.

4. Who is the greatest Detroit musical export of all time?

Wow! This is a hard one, but I’m going to say Iggy Pop. He has so much raw energy and his influence is felt in so many different genres. Though I strongly believe in a few years, or even now, it may be Jack White; whether you like him or not, he brings real music to a world of computer generated singers.

5. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

In 10 years, I see myself playing and producing music. It would be nice to be on the level where I can still go to the grocery store without getting mobbed but can sell out a place like, say, the Fillmore. Ha ha!

The Crooks play Thursday, March 4, at 10:20 p.m. at the Painted Lady. The Displays play Wednesday, March 3, at the Blowout Pre-Party at midnight in the Magic Stick.


1. What musical accomplishment of yours are you most proud of?

Getting a few people to ask, "Who's Irma Thomas?"

2. Favorite local band/artist (other than yourself!)?

Sugarcoats. Corey Wheaton sings like a young Bob Seger. In time, we'll see if he can write like one.

3. What do the words "YouTube sensation" mean to you?

 "It's So Cold in the D" ...

4. Who is the greatest Detroit musical export of all time?

Dude, the list is way too long.

5. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Rolling in my sweet baby's arms.

The Detroit Cobras play Friday, March 5, at 1 a.m. at the G of C Hall.



1. What musical accomplishment of yours are you most proud of?

Marcie: I am happy just to be in a band in which I can express my creativity the way I want.

Deleano: Our tour with the Murder City Devils was the most fun I've ever had onstage. The two nights at the Henry Fonda Theatre in Los Angeles were amazing.

2. Favorite local band/artist (other than yourself!)?

Marcie: I don't have a favorite, but right now I like Gardens, Esquire and Infinity People.

Deleano: His Name Is Alive: I'm not sure what the current status of this band is since Andy FM moved to L.A., but I really liked Detrola. Warn Defever always has interesting projects.

3. What do the words "YouTube sensation" mean to you?

Marcie: Talking cats.

Deleano: "Pants on the Ground."

4. Who is the greatest Detroit musical export of all time?

Marcie: The MC5 because they were very innovative and empowering. They would sometimes use hints of jazz progressions in their rock 'n' roll.

Deleano: Maybe Smokey Robinson, because he wrote so many of those Motown hits.

5. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Marcie: I'll be playing acoustic guitar to my cat.

Deleano: I hope to have enough money to fly around onstage when I perform.

Silverghost plays Saturday, March 6, at midnight at the G of C Hall.


1. What musical accomplishment of yours are you most proud of?

Just being able to play our instruments. ... Really. Nah, just kidding. Our new record we're working on!

2. Favorite local band/artist (other than yourself!)?

Your band!

3. What do the words "YouTube sensation" mean to you?

Chocolate Rain, Surprise Kitty, Scary Mary, David Goes to the Dentist, Shoes, Auto Tune the News and — last but very, very not least — the Shining (happy version).

4. Who is the greatest Detroit musical export of all time?

What is this? A trick question? Casey Kasem, of course!

5. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Riding that jetpack into the stars, man. The stars!

Mirror Twin plays Wednesday, March 3, at 9 p.m. at the Blowout Pre-Party in the Majestic Café 


1. What musical accomplishment of yours are you most proud of?

A) Winner of first grade pantomime contest in Mayville, Mich., with a performance of "Charlie Brown" by the Coasters.
B) Not using the word "baby" in a song.
C) Creation of the DeLorean scale.
D) All of the above.

2. Favorite local band/artist (other than yourself!)?

Gino Fanelli and the National Coney Islands featuring the hit "Large Hani Deluxe Swing"

3. What do the words "YouTube sensation" mean to you?

Ordinance that forbids VIP rooms and touching between strip-dancers and patrons.

4. Who is the greatest Detroit musical export of all time?

A tie. Walter Bridgforth Jr., needs that Anita Baker music royalty money. Or Roxy and Maxine Petrucci.

5. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Asking myself, "Where have all the good times gone?" And still not having the answer if Diver Down was Van Halen's best album.

Scott Harrison plays Friday, March 5, at 9:20 p.m. at Baker's Streetcar. His band includes guitar hero Augie Visocchi, plus drummer Dave Vaughn and bassist Shawn Nolan.


1. What musical accomplishment of yours are you most proud of?

Completing and self-releasing my first album, ShapeShifters, independently, instead of signing a bullshit deal earlier on in my career. It was a longer scenic route but was worth it. I'm proud to be able to build off of that foundation as well as share the model I'm developing with other artists. 

2. Favorite local band/artist (other than yourself!)?

A tie between Underground Resistance and Slum Village

3. What do the words "YouTube sensation" mean to you?

T Baby's "It's So Cold In The D"

4. Who is the greatest Detroit musical export of all time?

Stevie Wonder. Funkadelic, J Dilla, Aretha and Juan Atkins as runners-up. 

5. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Still living in Detroit while exploring parallel universes, taking quantum leaps both musically and with my communities.

Invincible plays Thursday, March 4, at midnight at the G of C Hall.


1. What musical accomplishment of yours are you most proud of?

I've still got a lot of work to do. But playing at the Don Was Detroit All Star Revue at Concert of Colors last year has been a highlight for sure. To be one of a dozen-or-so bands from the last 50 years to represent Detroit's musical legacy — and the only one really from my generation — was quite an honor. 

2. Favorite local band/artist (other than yourself!)?

Lots and lots of favorites. The most recent favorite I saw live was Prussia, so I'll go with them. They always bring it onstage and have great songs. 

3. What do the words "YouTube sensation" mean to you?

House of cards. Good luck keeping it up. 

4. Who is the greatest Detroit musical export of all time?

Motown. Hands-down. Or maybe Smokey Robinson, if I had to pick one. ... But I don't know. That's too hard to answer. The list goes on and on.

5. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Playing with Michael Jackson at the Super Bowl.

Mick Bassett plays Saturday, March 6, at 1 a.m. at the Belmont.


1  What musical accomplishment of yours are you most proud of?

Building our own recording studio, and recording and self-releasing our album, Taxis.

2. Favorite local band/artist (other than yourself!)?

Aran Ruth and Lightning Love spring to mind, but we like a lot of 'em.

3. What do the words "YouTube sensation" mean to you?

Our main goal for this band.

4. Who is the greatest Detroit musical export of all time?

Stevie Wonder. We'd be very interested to hear any arguments that someone else was greater.

5. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

With a few more Zoos of Berlin albums in the bag, and deeper into movies.

Zoos of Berlin play Thursday, March 4, at 11:20 p.m. at Paycheck's Lounge.


1. What musical accomplishment of yours are you most proud of?

I am most proud that I've been fortunate to do what I want musically without anyone's outside interference. 

2. Favorite local band/artist (other than yourself!)?

At the moment, I'm loving the Moonshine Forestry Outfit 45 on Distortion Records — some 15-year-old kid recording his songs in his living room in 1969.

3. What do the words "YouTube sensation" mean to you?

Live music makes your bones rattle, your body sweat, and your ass move. Community is lost when we all sit at home, jerking off in front of our monitors. Instead, we should be jerking off onstage, in front of our stage monitors!

4. Who is the greatest Detroit musical export of all time?

Detroit's greatest musical export is attitude. I don't mean attitude as in giving lip or having a chip on your shoulder. I mean attitude as in, "We do what we want and don't care what you think." You can't buy that.

5. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Teaching my child(ren) the chords to Who songs.

The Sights play Friday, March 5, at midnight at the New Dodge. (Eddie will also be playing with his School of Rock students at the same venue on Saturday, March 6, at 7 p.m.)

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