An Ann Arbor alternative?
Re: Jack Lessenberry's critique of ("The newspaper scam," Aug. 5), I wholeheartedly agree with your critique of the new It's a steaming pile of crap. While the final few years of the Ann Arbor News were, in my opinion, nothing spectacular, this new online venture is absolutely ridiculous.
There is an alternative, however. The Ann Arbor Chronicle ( is a wonderful place for news for those who don't mind reading a 5,000-plus word article on the recent e-mail scandal involving city council members, as well as other articles that I could not imagine the outfit covering.
I personally love this media outlet, although it is a strictly online publication. There still is journalism taking place in Tree Town. —Chris Bradburn, Ann ArborSince you bring it up
As I was sitting in a waiting room to see a career counselor at Oakland Community College packed with students half my age, I picked up Metro Times and started reading your column entitled "The newspaper scam."
Until recently, I was employed at The Ann Arbor News as an editorial illustrator, page designer and graphic artist — so, as you can imagine, I was chuckling throughout your article. Your column had just enough sarcasm and honesty to validate how I'm feeling right about now.
I'm not one of the discarded carcasses who were shocked upon finding out about the total dissolve of the News. I was encouraged to take a buyout, which I did. So now I'm here at OCC taking steps toward finding another career.
While I wish those few previous colleagues much success after going over to Ann, I'd like to think we all could have stayed afloat with the excellent editorial staff we had at The Ann Arbor News. Thank you for the chuckles, Jack. —Tammie Graves, Hartland
What about me?
Re: Your article on Melvin Davis ("Agent Double-O-Soul," Aug. 12) My name is Rob Moss. I am the individual who first contacted Mr. Davis, back in 2003 and arranged for him to perform in the UK for the first time. I wonder why he failed to mention this in the piece? I'm also intrigued to know why no mention was made of the CD I put together with him, Melvin Davis: His Greatest Recordings.
One is reminded of Jimmy Durante's advice: "Be nice to people on your way up because you meet them on the way down." —Rob Moss, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Kwame-proof PACs
I read with interest the article "Getting it wrong" (Aug. 12), and I must say until there are very clearly defined rules and some teeth — meaning jail time — for violating campaign finance laws politicians, the likes of convicted felon and former mayor Kwame M. Kilpatrick, will continue to flaunt and abuse campaign finance. The money given by supporters to Kilpatrick was given with the intent for him to run for office, not to pay for his legal expenses during the text-message trial. He should've paid for it out of his personal funds or asked his mother, Congresswoman Carolyn Cheeks-Kilpatrick, to pay it for him. After all, there's nothing too costly for, "Y'all's boy." —Thomas A. Wilson Jr., Detroit
Let him rest in peace
Amen to Tiffani Stovall's letter (Letters, July 22) responding to the despicable piece written by Serene Dominic "Too Soon" (July 8).
It is appalling to me that Dominic would write such an insulting piece of crap and that Metro Times would run it. Jackson didn't always make the best judgment calls (who has?), but regarding the charges of child molestation, one fact is clear: He was never found guilty of anything! I really wish Dominic and everyone else still harping on Jackson's "weird" behavior would just shut up. Maybe then the fact that possibly the greatest entertainer ever has passed into the ages can finally sink in. With all he accomplished as a performer, he deserves that much respect. —Tommy Williams, Detroit
Erratum: In the story "Too poor to parent?" (Aug. 5), we incorrectly stated that Vivek Sankaran represented Melanie Morgan before the Michigan Court of Appeals and the state Supreme Court. He only represented her before the Michigan Supreme Court.