Letters to the Editor

Bless us every one

I want to personally thank you for running the article by W. Kim Heron and Curt Guyette ("Aronson's guide for the godless," Jan. 7, 2008). It was an opportunity for those who do not necessarily agree with mainstream religious perspectives to show others that it is possible to have a moral framework, spiritual perspective, and values without getting caught up in an institution that has historically marginalized some of us: religion.

I am led by a Force that I credit with guiding my morality, shaping my values, and providing an energy that allows me to connect with people on a universal platform: humanity. Though I have so much to learn, I do believe that that the most revolutionary thing any of us can do is be a decent human being. If we do that, there would be no time to judge each other, hurt each other, or deny any of us basic human rights.

However, I was troubled by Aronson's response to the hypothetical scenario where a drugstore clerk said "Have a blessed day." His response seemed to suggest that only believers are able to be blessed and that some deity is perched someplace handing out blessings to people of faith. I believe that a blessing is simply good fortune. So, when someone wishes me a "blessed day," I simply go to that universal energy that I depend on and wish them one back. To wish another human being good fortune does not require faith, religion or a spiritual framework; it just requires you to be human. —Victor Walker, Detroit

Theological notes

The Heron-Guyette interview of Professor Aronson was not only timely but important as His Most Christian Majesty (the title of the King of France) relinquishes the scepter. But given the gravity of the subject there were many wasted column inches beginning with fluff about Detroit.

Proposal 2 lost in three of the four Lowell area precincts, albeit not by landslides, and no, we are not peopled by Burkean conservatives. And I cannot recall the long ago source for this axiom: Walt Disney has brought more joy into the world than all theologians. —G. M. Ross, Lowell

School's out

Jack Lessenberry's article on Detroit's school system ("Detroit's only hope," Jan. 7, 2008) was right on point, as far as I'm concerned. There are so many things wrong with the city, the only hope right now would be the school system. But that is shot. I just moved back to Michigan from California. Why, you ask? I had to. Soon I will be looking to buy a home. Unfortunately, I won't be looking in the city. Even though you can buy a home for less than a new car, it won't be worth it for many, many reasons, schools being the most important. Thank you for your realness. —J. Haygood, Detroit

The G-word

Regarding Detroit's schools: A sad and tragic mess. What is going on in Detroit is educational genocide! Until everyone puts the focus on teaching, learning and children — and not power, control, politics and adults — this mess will continue. —Tom Watkins, Jr., former superintendent of public instruction, State of Michigan, 2001-2005, Northville

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