Oslo's back

Here at News Hits, we like sources to return phone calls. Usually we like it when they do it sooner than a year after we've left a message, but in the case of Katalia Lemos, it's OK.

Lemos and her husband Roberto, aka DJ Bet, are the new owners of Oslo, the downtown techno club/sushi bar that closed in December. ("Oslo No More," MT, Dec. 27, 2006). When we were writing about the establishment's closing a year ago, we tried to reach the previous owner, Brook Campbell, by leaving a message at the voice mail on the club's published telephone number.

Lemos called last week, saying she was catching up on messages she'd found there.

"How long ago did you call?" she asked.

A while. But that's OK. We appreciate her courtesy. So we'll report her news:

Oslo's basement nightclub is open with house, techno and hip-hop music.

"I want to keep all forms of Detroit music relevant," says Lemos who had bartended at Oslo for a few months before it closed.

The restaurant will be open for lunch and dinner within a few weeks. The redesigned first floor means the sushi bar has moved to the front foyer area and the kitchen has expanded. The menu will include Asian specialties, reflective of Lemos's mother, Lumpai Rossbach, who owns the Royal Thai Café in Royal Oak and is helping her daughter and son-in-law with their new business.

News Hits is edited by Curt Guyette. Contact the column at 313-202-8004 or [email protected]