Steely resolve

Josh Trust bleeds black and gold: New to Detroit and to Metro Times, the paper’s new advertising director still carries season tickets for his hometown Pittsburgh Steelers. But an offhanded slight towards the less-than-stellar Lions doesn’t mean he’s not “thrilled” about his move from Toledo.

“I love the metro vibe here,” Trust says. “You really feel like you’re in a city — particularly with the revitalization of downtown. I look forward to getting to know the ins and outs of Detroit.”

Trust, 35, takes over for Jim Cohen, who stepped down as advertising director last month to become a senior account executive.

Trust earned an undergraduate degree from the University of Pittsburgh in public relations, and a master’s at Point Park University, also in Pittsburgh, in communications. Soon after graduating, Trust worked at the Pittsburgh-based advertising agency, Marc USA, and then for a number of newspaper operations, including the retail departments of the Pittsburgh Post Gazette, the Toledo Blade, the Toledo Free Press and Gannett Company Inc.

“Josh brings a wealth of newspaper and online experience from a variety of different markets,” says Lisa Rudy, publisher of Metro Times. “He’s seen what’s possible in good as well as difficult economies, and has a track record of contributing to startups as well as possessing the skill set and energy level to tackle some of the more challenging aspects of a long-standing media source like Metro Times.”

Trust, likewise, sees his diverse background as an asset in seeking out creative outlets for advertising.

“There’s an exciting atmosphere at Metro Times,” Trust adds. “We’re allowed a huge amount of creativity. Compared to the other places, that’s the main, and probably most compelling, difference about the kind of work we do here.”

Trust’s affection for football notwithstanding, he notes that he’s also “really big into the arts,” particularly glassware, and used to serve on the board of the Arts Commission of Greater Toledo.

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