Start me up

Truth be told, you don't need to mortgage the house for a great sounding two-channel system that'll kill any big box "product." For a bit more (or less) than a grand, you could piece together a brand-new system that'll reveal things you've never heard before and last for years. High-end isn't supposed to be a hobby just for the affluent.


Speakers: EPOS ELS-3 ($329)
Amplifier: Joilda JD 102B ($650)
Turntable: Rega P1 Turntable ($350)
Phono pre-amp: Bellari VP129 ($250)

Total $1,579

You can go to individual manufacturer Web sites or locally to; 248-259-7017.



Speakers: EPOS ELS-3 ($329)
Amplifier: Nad 320bee (or 325bee) ($399)
CD player: Nad C525bee CD player ($299)
(Or the Oppo 970HD DVD/CD player, which plays all hi-res audio formats, including DVD-A and SACD. It does HDMI for video. ($150)

Total $1,079 ($878 with the Oppo)

Local Nad dealers include:

Overture Audio, 618 S. Main St., Ann Arbor; 734-662-1812.
Audio/Visual Alternatives, 32538 Woodward Ave., Royal Oak; 248-549-7320.
Oppo CD players are available on the Web only at

Brian Smith is the features editor of Metro Times. Send comments to [email protected].