
Stick it good — Duct tape: it's the all-American, endlessly useful adhesive. Prom: the all-American coming-of-age event for teenagers. Two great tastes that go together. Sure, why not? The makers of the Duck Tape brand of adhesive are encouraging graduating seniors to consider a different type of garb for their big night o' glitz: prom dresses and tuxes made of said tape. At, teens can enter to win big scholarship money by submitting photos of their sartorial duct-tape creations. And it's not just boring ol' silver; the company makes an array of tape in eye-popping neon colors. Some of these kids could have a future on Project Runway; many of the entries are so unbelievably complex and detailed, you can barely believe they're made of duct tape.

But why should teenagers have all the fun? Mosey over to for a handy guide to creating duct tape wallets, purses, hats and more. If you're too lazy to try it yourself, or just wind up accidentally taping yourself to the floor, you can buy pre-made duct tape accessories over at

And it's not just for clothing — artist Mona Superhero of Portland, Ore., has samples of her "utility tape portraiture" at

You can call it art, or just plain stupid, but the appropriately named has photographic evidence of people who've attempted — and succeeded — in taping themselves to walls and even ceilings. Search for "fun with duct tape" — and kids, don't try this at home! (But if you do, please send us pictures.)

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