“We’re the heaviest band in Omaha — by weight,” says singer-guitarist Jake Bellows of Neva Dinova, probably the only band in Omaha not signed to Saddle Creek. Yet they’ve been making music for more than a dozen years. Many are great ballads about dysfunction and bad attitude, such as “I’ve Got A Feeling,” which finds Bellows scratching his nuts “right at God.” The songs’ smooth-as-Tiffany-Minx-ass textures come, uh, greased with an easy melodicism, while Bellows’ sad-sack tenor channels Radiohead with a touch of country lope and a handful of ludes. Here’s his five, we mean, four mononmanias of the week.

4. Olestra: I wouldn’t eat that stuff. That’s like eating diarrhea.

3. Indie rock pariahs. In Salt Lake City they have a Ferrari/Maserati dealership. We went in there, looked at the cars, fingered up all the windows. Nobody said a word to us; it was incredible.

2. The tits of Rilo Kiley’s Jenny Lewis. When we heard that she was a child star, we found Foxfire with her and Angelina Jolie. In it there’s this topless scene where all the girls are hanging out together, burning each other and touching their tits, and Jenny is the only one of the five girls who doesn’t take her shirt off. I was like, “This is fucking bullshit. I rented this movie because I thought I was going to see your naked tits.” I talked to her about it and the first thing I said was, “We were all disappointed.”

1. Home sweet homefries: I can’t wait to get back to Council Bluffs and eat fried cauliflower dipped in cheese. It tastes like fried butter dipped in cheese. Maybe I’ll start to think about getting in shape.


Wednesday, May 18, at St. Andrew’s Hall (431 E. Congress, Detroit; 313-961-MELT) with Rilo Kiley.

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