Abandoned Shelter of the Week

While roaming Detroit’s southwest side, News Hits happened upon a block of boarded-up homes along both sides of Ferdinand Street. It appears there may be plans to redevelop the area by either renovating the old homes or tearing them down and starting from scratch. Looking to learn more, News Hits contacted the Planning and Development Department weeks ago to find out what plans the city has for the area. But the department was mute on the subject, saying it is under orders from Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick to direct all media questions to his office.

[On April 17, News Hits filed an update regarding the fate of the Ferdinand Street homes.]

Photo by Curt Guyette; text by Ann Mullen.

Editor’s note: If you know of an abandoned home you would like to see featured in this spot, send a photo and pertinent information to News Hits, c/o Metro Times, 733 St. Antoine, Detroit, MI 48226 (or e-mail [email protected]).

Check out all of our Abandoned Shelters of the Week