Mystery home

News Hits couldn’t resist calling attention to the haunting remains of this torched two-story that graces Grandy Street on Detroit’s east side. We would have attempted to track down the owner of the ramshackle shack, but to do that we would need the address, which appears to have disintegrated in a fire along with some of the siding, porch and roof.

What we did find is the Polish Yacht Club, which sits on Frederick, just a stone’s throw from the abandoned house. News Hits doesn’t have a clue why a yacht club has settled in the rundown neighborhood, where there doesn’t appear to be a single yacht, much less a body of water to sail upon. But we are willing to make a deal with the city: If it tears down the charred hulk, we’ll do our best to find out what’s up with the Polish Yacht Club.

Ann Mullen is a Metro Times staff writer. E-mail her at [email protected]