Royal Oak Brewery to temporarily shut down for renovations

click to enlarge Royal Oak Brewery to temporarily shut down for renovations
Royal Oak Brewery/Facebook

The Royal Oak Brewery shuts down for nine days starting next week so it can complete some major renovations and spruce up its building.

The restaurant, at 215 E. Fourth St. in Downtown Royal Oak, says it was Oakland County's first brewery when it opened about 25 years ago.

In a press release, the brewery said its plans include new tables, chairs, barstools, wall decorations, and completely new lighting. Custom-built new bar height communal tables will complement the bar, and the pub's existing wood will be stained mahogany to create a warmer environment.

The facade of the building will be updated, and the brewery is making a "controversial change" by removing the 25-year-old large pictures on the wall. Those were auctioned off last week.

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