City Slang: Crud to host a Cruddy Xmas

Local industrial metallers Crud, led by Sponge’s Vinnie Dombroski, will host its annual Cruddy Xmas at the Diesel Concert Lounge on December 28. Doors are at 7, and tickets are $10 ($12 at the door).

The bill also features fellow industrial-heads Cybertrybe, Throttlebody, and Black Market Rebellion, as well as “jaw dropping sideshow titillation by Adam Arcana, snake charming belly dance by Shetan Noir, plus Rock N’ Rummage vendors hawking their cool collectibles. Jimmy Doom will reign as “Satan Claus” handing out presents to the naughty and nice!”.

They say, “Crud will be celebrating the release of two new singles “New Hell Rising” and “Murder of Crows” – which will be available for sale on Itunes and the night of the show. Crud features Sponge lead singer Vinnie Dombroski and burlesque beauty Danielle Arsenault on vocals. The all-star line up also includes David Black (Seduce) on guitar, Dana Forrester (Dead in 5) on bass, and new drummer James Trunko (Mound Road Engine.)”