City Slang: Arts, Beats & Eats on Sunday

Day 3 of Arts, Beats & Eats and the weather was a little more manageable today. Not crazy hot, but not the high winds of yesterday either. It was a short festival day for me, but not without some memorable moments. After checking out the impressive old school rock stylings of Crooked Joint, who throw down some cool Kinks and Pink Floyd covers, I find myself watching Starship on the main stage. Curiosity got the better of me, but thank God for that.

The band was awesome. As fun as “We Built This City” is, it was a medley of Jefferson Airplane and Jefferson Starship songs, including “White Rabbit” and “Somebody To Love” (both led by female co-vocalist Stephanie Calvert) and “Laying it on the Line” that really shook the crowd. Possibly the least cool thing I could admit, but who cares. Starship are awesome.

Of course, City Slang is all about the local music, so the I made my way to the Royal Oak Music Theater to see the Irrationals, the band Scott Morgan has put together to do justice to his Rationals catalog. And do justice they do. With Outrageous Cherry’s Matt Smith and the Sights’ Eddie Baranek on guitar, Jim Diamond on bass and SSM drummer Dave Shettler, Rationals classics like “Respect” and “I Need You” sound massive. Morgan’s voice only seems to get better, and this band of incredibly talented musicians compliments it.