30 unreadable metal band names

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Intracerebrally Consuming Cephalalgia Through The Cranium Macerating Debrisfucked Manure Ingested Remains Of The Mindfucked Cataplexic Wicked Mankind Whom Fistfucked The Progenies From The Deepest Depths Of The Analmaggot Raped Human Pieces Of Erotic Shitmasses Which Gave Birth To Worthless Eunuchs As Travesty For Cumstained Whorefaced Sluts Enslaved By This Stupid Society Full Of Fetal Garbages
Intracerebrally Consuming Cephalalgia Through The Cranium Macerating Debrisfucked Manure Ingested Remains Of The Mindfucked Cataplexic Wicked Mankind Whom Fistfucked The Progenies From The Deepest Depths Of The Analmaggot Raped Human Pieces Of Erotic Shitmasses Which Gave Birth To Worthless Eunuchs As Travesty For Cumstained Whorefaced Sluts Enslaved By This Stupid Society Full Of Fetal Garbages
Bestial Summoning
Bestial Summoning
1 of 30
2 of 30
Anal Squirt Massacre
Anal Squirt Massacre
3 of 30
Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition
Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition
4 of 30
Methadone Abortion Clinic
Methadone Abortion Clinic
5 of 30
Clit Cannibal
Clit Cannibal
6 of 30
7 of 30
8 of 30
Panopticon Ever look at the logo on top of a metal album, on a flyer or a shirt and think, “What the fuck does that say?” In honor of the fact that Detroit black metal band Isenblast is featured in this coming Wednesday’s Music Issue, we’ve compiled 30 of the greatest examples of fonts gone insane. Congrats to Adam Bowditch of Hazel Park for, unbelievably, getting all 30 right. Swag is heading his way. For your satisfaction, we've now labeled each logo with the correct name.
Ever look at the logo on top of a metal album, on a flyer or a shirt and think, “What the fuck does that say?” In honor of the fact that Detroit black metal band Isenblast is featured in this coming Wednesday’s Music Issue, we’ve compiled 30 of the greatest examples of fonts gone insane. Congrats to Adam Bowditch of Hazel Park for, unbelievably, getting all 30 right. Swag is heading his way. For your satisfaction, we've now labeled each logo with the correct name.
10 of 30
11 of 30
12 of 30
13 of 30
Wolves in the Throne Room
Wolves in the Throne Room
14 of 30
15 of 30
16 of 30
Lurker of Chalice
Lurker of Chalice
17 of 30
Nokturnal Mortum
Nokturnal Mortum
18 of 30
Averse Sefira
Averse Sefira
19 of 30
20 of 30
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