30 Detroit-area tattoo artists you should be following on Instagram

These Detroit-area tattoo artists are innovators in their field. With a variety of styles and subjects, these artists show the variation and creativity of the Michigan tattooing community. 

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Aubri McEachern | @wowie.zow

Aubri McEachern | @wowie.zow

Image: 30 Detroit-area tattoo artists you should be following on Instagram
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Nathan Wilson | @underinkfluence

Nathan Wilson | @underinkfluence

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Nathan Wilson | @underinkfluence

Nathan Wilson | @underinkfluence

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Nathan Wilson | @underinkfluence

Nathan Wilson | @underinkfluence

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Cheryl Tash | @cheryldoestattoos

Cheryl Tash | @cheryldoestattoos

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Cheryl Tash | @cheryldoestattoos

Cheryl Tash | @cheryldoestattoos

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Cheryl Tash | @cheryldoestattoos

Cheryl Tash | @cheryldoestattoos

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Joey Gonyea | @joeygtattoo

Joey Gonyea | @joeygtattoo

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Joey Gonyea | @joeygtattoo

Joey Gonyea | @joeygtattoo

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Joey Gonyea | @joeygtattoo

Joey Gonyea | @joeygtattoo

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Matt Paw | @mattpawart

Matt Paw | @mattpawart

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Matt Paw | @mattpawart

Matt Paw | @mattpawart

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Matt Paw | @mattpawart

Matt Paw | @mattpawart

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Brian Madson | @madsonb

Brian Madson | @madsonb

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Brian Madson | @madsonb

Brian Madson | @madsonb

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Brian Madson | @madsonb

Brian Madson | @madsonb

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Brian McNair | @gravesideart

Brian McNair | @gravesideart

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Brian McNair | @gravesideart

Brian McNair | @gravesideart

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Brian McNair | @gravesideart

Brian McNair | @gravesideart

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Justin Tyler | @justintylertattoo

Justin Tyler | @justintylertattoo

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