You know when Netflix brazenly asks you are you still watching? while binging the award-winning Jason Bateman drama Ozark? Well, show Netflix who's boss by turning off your respective streaming device and give your blue light-damaged retinas a massage by peeping this list and locating one or more Detroit area bookstores to throw money at and, in turn, score some new books intended for reading and not elegant White Claw coasters. While these small, mighty, and resilient independent bookstores are worth supporting and celebrating 365, there is a special day on which to really show them some love. Every year, on the last Saturday in April, national Independent Bookstore Day rolls around and is an ideal opportunity to give back to these shops that keep our brains fed and hearts curious. Not all of these shops, some of which are specialty spots, may be open for in-person shopping, but take a dive into their websites and Facebook pages for ways to special order titles or arrange for curbside pickup. Twitter is temporary, books are forever.