25 Detroit area bookstores to support on Independent Bookstore Day and beyond

You know when Netflix brazenly asks you “are you still watching?” while binging the award-winning Jason Bateman drama Ozark? Well, show Netflix who's boss by turning off your respective streaming device and give your blue light-damaged retinas a massage by peeping this list and locating one or more Detroit area bookstores to throw money at and, in turn, score some new books intended for reading and not elegant White Claw coasters. While these small, mighty, and resilient independent bookstores are worth supporting and celebrating 365, there is a special day on which to really show them some love. Every year, on the last Saturday in April, national Independent Bookstore Day rolls around and is an ideal opportunity to give back to these shops that keep our brains fed and hearts curious. Not all of these shops, some of which are specialty spots, may be open for in-person shopping, but take a dive into their websites and Facebook pages for ways to special order titles or arrange for curbside pickup. Twitter is temporary, books are forever.

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Curious Book Shop 307 E. Grand River Ave., East Lansing; 517-332-0112 curiousbooks.com Speaking of curiosity, East Lansing’s Curious Book Shop offers a varied wall-to-wall collection that spans new paperbacks to rare antiquarian titles. Though there’s a bit of everything for every bibliophile, they specialize in vintage science fiction, fantasy, Michigan history, and sports, as well as vintage comics and magazines. They also have a thoughtful children’s corner for the little reader in your life. Photo via Curious Book Shop/Facebook

Curious Book Shop

307 E. Grand River Ave., East Lansing; 517-332-0112 curiousbooks.com
Speaking of curiosity, East Lansing’s Curious Book Shop offers a varied wall-to-wall collection that spans new paperbacks to rare antiquarian titles. Though there’s a bit of everything for every bibliophile, they specialize in vintage science fiction, fantasy, Michigan history, and sports, as well as vintage comics and magazines. They also have a thoughtful children’s corner for the little reader in your life.

Photo via Curious Book Shop/Facebook
Book Beat 26010 Greenfield, Oak Park; 248-968-1190; thebookbeat.com This Oak Park shop, which is owned and operated by Destroy All Monsters' Cary Loren, has become a must-visit spot for local authors as they frequently host appearances, signings, and events. Book Beat offers a wide selection of new and used books for all curiosities. Photo via Book Beat/Facebook

Book Beat

26010 Greenfield, Oak Park; 248-968-1190; thebookbeat.com
This Oak Park shop, which is owned and operated by Destroy All Monsters' Cary Loren, has become a must-visit spot for local authors as they frequently host appearances, signings, and events. Book Beat offers a wide selection of new and used books for all curiosities.

Photo via Book Beat/Facebook
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Book Suey 10345 Joseph Campau, Hamtramck; 313-398-2017; https://www.booksuey.com Hamtramck’s cooperatively owned and managed bookstore quickly became a community necessity. Book Suey offers books that are able to bring people together through contemplation, conversation, and a sense of community. They have limited hours and frequent events, so check with them before heading over. Photo via Book Suey/Facebook

Book Suey

10345 Joseph Campau, Hamtramck; 313-398-2017; https://www.booksuey.com
Hamtramck’s cooperatively owned and managed bookstore quickly became a community necessity. Book Suey offers books that are able to bring people together through contemplation, conversation, and a sense of community. They have limited hours and frequent events, so check with them before heading over.

Photo via Book Suey/Facebook
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Bookbound 1729 Plymouth Rd., Ann Arbor; 734-369-4345; bookboundbookstore.com Touted as “Ann Arbor's independent community bookstore,” Bookbound offers a thoughtfully curated and eclectic collection that may or may not have been selected by Shop Dog, Bookbound's faithful bark, er, book lover and yes, that is the pupper's name. Photo via Bookbound/Facebook


1729 Plymouth Rd., Ann Arbor; 734-369-4345; bookboundbookstore.com
Touted as “Ann Arbor's independent community bookstore,” Bookbound offers a thoughtfully curated and eclectic collection that may or may not have been selected by Shop Dog, Bookbound's faithful bark, er, book lover and yes, that is the pupper's name.

Photo via Bookbound/Facebook
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Books Connection 31208 Five Mile Rd., Livonia; 734-524-1163; thebooksconnection.com Books Connection has been serving Livonia for more than 30 years, with some help from their popular dog employee, Darby. The store’s selection spans mystery, romance, science fiction, self-help, comics, and history. Photo via Books Connection/Facebook

Books Connection

31208 Five Mile Rd., Livonia; 734-524-1163; thebooksconnection.com
Books Connection has been serving Livonia for more than 30 years, with some help from their popular dog employee, Darby. The store’s selection spans mystery, romance, science fiction, self-help, comics, and history.

Photo via Books Connection/Facebook
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Browns Family Books 27309 Harper Ave., St. Clair Shores; 586-773-7370; facebook.com/brownsfamilybookstore Located in a strip mall in St. Clair Shores, Brown's is the sort of place you'd pass right by unless someone told you it was worth a stop which is what we're doing right now. Step inside the shop and you'll find stacks on stacks of books packed nice and tight for your browsing pleasure. With helpful store owners and that great "old book smell," Brown's Family Bookstore is well-stocked with both old and new books for every bookworm. Photo via Browns Family Books/Facebook

Browns Family Books

27309 Harper Ave., St. Clair Shores; 586-773-7370; facebook.com/brownsfamilybookstore
Located in a strip mall in St. Clair Shores, Brown's is the sort of place you'd pass right by unless someone told you it was worth a stop which is what we're doing right now. Step inside the shop and you'll find stacks on stacks of books packed nice and tight for your browsing pleasure. With helpful store owners and that great "old book smell," Brown's Family Bookstore is well-stocked with both old and new books for every bookworm.

Photo via Browns Family Books/Facebook
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Dawn Treader Bookstore 514 E. Liberty St., Ann Arbor; 734-995-1008; dantreaderbooks.com Started from the basement in 1970 now Dawn Treader bookstore is here. And by here, we mean a beloved Ann Arbor-area used rare, collectible, and contemporary books and various ephemera with more than 70,000 titles. Photo via Dawn Treader Bookshop/Facebook

Dawn Treader Bookstore

514 E. Liberty St., Ann Arbor; 734-995-1008; dantreaderbooks.com
Started from the basement in 1970 now Dawn Treader bookstore is here. And by here, we mean a beloved Ann Arbor-area used rare, collectible, and contemporary books and various ephemera with more than 70,000 titles.

Photo via Dawn Treader Bookshop/Facebook
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Detroit Book City 24361 Greenfield Rd., Ste. 305, Southfield; 248-993-3844; detroitbookcity.com Specializing in new and gently used books that explore the African American experience, Detroit Book City offers a wide selection of locally authored titles, plus rare and out of print books by Black writers. They also offer other media, like CDs and DVDs, as well as African body oils, soaps, and games.br> Photo via Detroit Book City/Facebook

Detroit Book City

24361 Greenfield Rd., Ste. 305, Southfield; 248-993-3844; detroitbookcity.com
Specializing in new and gently used books that explore the African American experience, Detroit Book City offers a wide selection of locally authored titles, plus rare and out of print books by Black writers. They also offer other media, like CDs and DVDs, as well as African body oils, soaps, and games.br>
Photo via Detroit Book City/Facebook
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John K. King Rare & Used Books 901 W Lafayette Blvd., Detroit; 313-961-0622; johnkingbooksdetroit.com Billed as Michigan's largest used and rare bookstore — and one of the largest in the world — John King is a book collector’s wildest dream with more than 1,000,000 books in stock, including, like, an entire warehouse of rare, signed, and first editions. Photo via John K. King’s Rare and Used Books/Facebook

John K. King Rare & Used Books

901 W Lafayette Blvd., Detroit; 313-961-0622; johnkingbooksdetroit.com
Billed as Michigan's largest used and rare bookstore — and one of the largest in the world — John King is a book collector’s wildest dream with more than 1,000,000 books in stock, including, like, an entire warehouse of rare, signed, and first editions.

Photo via John K. King’s Rare and Used Books/Facebook
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John K. King Books North 22524 Woodward Ave., Ferndale; 248-548-9050; johnkkingsbooksdetroit.com That's right, John K. King Books has a baby brother in Ferndale. The book giant's satellite location offers used books in just about every category with new stock arriving every day. Need to make some cash or swap your literary stash? They buy books for cash or store credit which can also be used at the big store in Detroit. Photo via John King Books North/Facebook

John K. King Books North

22524 Woodward Ave., Ferndale; 248-548-9050; johnkkingsbooksdetroit.com
That's right, John K. King Books has a baby brother in Ferndale. The book giant's satellite location offers used books in just about every category with new stock arriving every day. Need to make some cash or swap your literary stash? They buy books for cash or store credit which can also be used at the big store in Detroit.

Photo via John King Books North/Facebook
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Library Bookstore 169 W. Troy St., Ferndale; 248-545-4300; facebook.com/thelibrarybookstore Don't judge a book by its cover and don't judge a bookstore by its size because Ferndale's longstanding used bookstore is packed to the rafters, er, ceiling, with an eclectic collection. Photo via GoogleMaps

Library Bookstore

169 W. Troy St., Ferndale; 248-545-4300; facebook.com/thelibrarybookstore
Don't judge a book by its cover and don't judge a bookstore by its size because Ferndale's longstanding used bookstore is packed to the rafters, er, ceiling, with an eclectic collection.

Photo via GoogleMaps
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Literati 124 E. Washington, Ann Arbor; 734-585-5567; literatibookstore.com This beloved Ann Arbor store is more than meets the eye. In just seven years, Literati has become a hub for bookworms, music lovers, poets, and curious minds. The popular bookstore, which raised $100,000 in just 48 hours at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic to avoid permanent closure, is closed to the public but is shipping books anywhere in the U.S. Photo via Literati/Facebook


124 E. Washington, Ann Arbor; 734-585-5567; literatibookstore.com
This beloved Ann Arbor store is more than meets the eye. In just seven years, Literati has become a hub for bookworms, music lovers, poets, and curious minds. The popular bookstore, which raised $100,000 in just 48 hours at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic to avoid permanent closure, is closed to the public but is shipping books anywhere in the U.S.

Photo via Literati/Facebook
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Mayflower Bookshop 2645 12 Mile Rd., Berkley; 248-547-8227; mayflowerbookshop.com Specializing in books about esoteric and spiritual sciences, Mayflower BookShop is the go-to spot for anyone looking to broaden their horizon. From Theosophy and Buddhism to veganism, astrology, paganism, and the tarot, Mayflower also offers crystals, gemstones, and religious artifacts. Photo via Mayflower Book Shop/Facebook

Mayflower Bookshop

2645 12 Mile Rd., Berkley; 248-547-8227; mayflowerbookshop.com
Specializing in books about esoteric and spiritual sciences, Mayflower BookShop is the go-to spot for anyone looking to broaden their horizon. From Theosophy and Buddhism to veganism, astrology, paganism, and the tarot, Mayflower also offers crystals, gemstones, and religious artifacts.

Photo via Mayflower Book Shop/Facebook
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Motte & Bailey Booksellers 212 N. Fourth Ave., Ann Arbor; mottebooks.com Specializing in used and rare books, Motte & Bailey Booksellers caters to those looking for antiquarian books, or those interested in American and European history. They’re currently offering 2,400 of their 10,000 book inventory online, but if you’re curious about something just shoot them a message at motte@mottebooks.com. Photo via GoogleMaps

Motte & Bailey Booksellers

212 N. Fourth Ave., Ann Arbor; mottebooks.com
Specializing in used and rare books, Motte & Bailey Booksellers caters to those looking for antiquarian books, or those interested in American and European history. They’re currently offering 2,400 of their 10,000 book inventory online, but if you’re curious about something just shoot them a message at [email protected].

Photo via GoogleMaps
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Nandi's Knowledge Cafe 71 Oakman Blvd., Highland Park; 313-865-1288; nandisknowledgecafe.com Part bookstore, part community space, Nandi's Knowledge Cafe is a hub for African American books, art, poetry, culture, and studies. In addition to a carefully curated selection of books, Nandi's is also a hotspot for live performances, including hip-hop, reggae, open mic, and chess nights each week. Photo via GoogleMaps

Nandi's Knowledge Cafe

71 Oakman Blvd., Highland Park; 313-865-1288; nandisknowledgecafe.com
Part bookstore, part community space, Nandi's Knowledge Cafe is a hub for African American books, art, poetry, culture, and studies. In addition to a carefully curated selection of books, Nandi's is also a hotspot for live performances, including hip-hop, reggae, open mic, and chess nights each week.

Photo via GoogleMaps
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Nicola’s Books 2513 Jackson Ave., Ann Arbor; 734-662-0600 nicolasbooks.com Established in 1991 originally as a Little Professor bookstore, Nicola’s Books was purchased by Schuler Books in 2014, yet maintains an independent spirit with a wide array of books across all genres and interests. Photo via Nicola’s Books/Facebook

Nicola’s Books

2513 Jackson Ave., Ann Arbor; 734-662-0600 nicolasbooks.com
Established in 1991 originally as a Little Professor bookstore, Nicola’s Books was purchased by Schuler Books in 2014, yet maintains an independent spirit with a wide array of books across all genres and interests.

Photo via Nicola’s Books/Facebook
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Pages Bookshop 19560 Grand River Ave., Detroit; 313-473-7342; pagesbkshop.com This new-ish indie bookstore in Detroit’s historic Grandmont-Rosedale neighborhood boasts a carefully curated collection of books from and about Detroit, and frequently hosts intimate readings from nationally acclaimed authors. Pro tip: Ask shop cat Pip for suggestions when things return to normal. In the meantime, Pages is offering online and phone orders, as well as curbside pickup, and local delivery. Photo viaPages Bookshop.Facebook

Pages Bookshop

19560 Grand River Ave., Detroit; 313-473-7342; pagesbkshop.com
This new-ish indie bookstore in Detroit’s historic Grandmont-Rosedale neighborhood boasts a carefully curated collection of books from and about Detroit, and frequently hosts intimate readings from nationally acclaimed authors. Pro tip: Ask shop cat Pip for suggestions when things return to normal. In the meantime, Pages is offering online and phone orders, as well as curbside pickup, and local delivery.

Photo viaPages Bookshop.Facebook
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Paper Trails Books 414 S. Washington Ave., Royal Oak; papertrailbooks.com/ This brother-owned Royal Oak spot specializes in used books, as well as some new books by local authors and claims to have more than 20,000 books in stock, including a well stocked children's section. They also offer gift items, greeting cards and more. Photo via Paper Trail Books Royal Oak/Facebook

Paper Trails Books

414 S. Washington Ave., Royal Oak; papertrailbooks.com/
This brother-owned Royal Oak spot specializes in used books, as well as some new books by local authors and claims to have more than 20,000 books in stock, including a well stocked children's section. They also offer gift items, greeting cards and more.

Photo via Paper Trail Books Royal Oak/Facebook
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Shaw's Books 14932 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe Park; 313-824-0816; shawsbooks.net Established in 1983, Shaw's Books in Grosse Pointe Park prides itself on offering collectible books and ephemera in most subject areas. With more than 2,000 sqft and 20,000 volumes, Shaw's offers books across all categories but specializes in topics of the Americana, antiques and collectibles, art, automotive, aviation, architecture, cookbooks, performing arts, sports, decorative arts, and more. They are open to the public periodically but also accept appointments. Photo via GoogleMaps

Shaw's Books

14932 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe Park; 313-824-0816; shawsbooks.net
Established in 1983, Shaw's Books in Grosse Pointe Park prides itself on offering collectible books and ephemera in most subject areas. With more than 2,000 sqft and 20,000 volumes, Shaw's offers books across all categories but specializes in topics of the Americana, antiques and collectibles, art, automotive, aviation, architecture, cookbooks, performing arts, sports, decorative arts, and more. They are open to the public periodically but also accept appointments.

Photo via GoogleMaps
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Source Booksellers 4240 Cass Ave. #105, Detroit; 313-832-1155; sourcebooksellersonline.com The sign in the window says it all: “A unique niche of non-fiction books”. The Midtown shop also has “unusual sidelines,” including oils, incense, raw snacks, and shea butter products, as well as a rotating calendar of virtual events. Photo via Source Booksellers/Facebook

Source Booksellers

4240 Cass Ave. #105, Detroit; 313-832-1155; sourcebooksellersonline.com
The sign in the window says it all: “A unique niche of non-fiction books”. The Midtown shop also has “unusual sidelines,” including oils, incense, raw snacks, and shea butter products, as well as a rotating calendar of virtual events.

Photo via Source Booksellers/Facebook
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